How You Met!

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Anakin: You met Anakin when you were assigned by the Jedi council to work together on a mission on the planet of Felucia.

Obi-Wan: As the queen/king of your planet you had called the Republic to help when the Separatists came to take over your planet. They sent none other than Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi.

Ahsoka Tano: You were a citizen of Naboo. Ahsoka was walking through with Anakin to make sure there wasn't any signs of Separatists. She saw you from the distance. 

Rex: The 501st was sent to destroy a hidden base on the planet of Teth. They had gotten lost and you offered to help. 

Fives: You decided to go to 79's for a drink after you got off work. When you walked in you saw plenty of Clone Troopers and one in particular caught your eye.

Padme: You two were childhood friends.

Luke: You first met the day he arrived at the Rebellion base on Yavin 4.

Han: You were a smuggler working for Jabba, you both went on a mission together.

Lando: You lived on Bespin, one day you were walking when you bumped into Lando. You really did fall for him.

Leia: You were a General for the Rebellion and worked along side Leia.

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