"While you smell absolutely mouth watering," he whispers, "every other wolf in this car can smell your arousal as well, so I would suggest thinking about something a little less big bad shirtless alpha-y."

My eyes widen in shock, first at his revelation as well as the word for word thoughts from my own head coming out of his mouth. He chuckles. I pout, arms crossed and lip protruding, just like a child until we pull up outside of the apartment. I make a move to get out, but Alexander's strong arms hold me still.

"Everyone goes into the apartment," Alexander says. "We'll wait out here in the car. Y'all get everything you need this time, so we don't have to come back."

They all climb out, passing us sly glances and smirks.

I tilt my head back to look at him. "Why couldn't I go? It's my apartment."

He gives me a mischievous smile. "We need to talk about your lap etiquette, little one. You were hurting my not-so-little one." He makes a suggestive glance downward.

My cheeks redden. "Sorry."

"And for what you were thinking," he actually tsks. "We have heightened senses, including smell. Your arousal filled this entire car. Luckily for them, all the guys in here were mated or else they would have found themselves falling out of a moving vehicle on the interstate."

"I didn't realize."

"Of course you didn't. I understand this is all still so new to you."

I turn in his lap more, knowing I'm dragging myself against his not-so-little one, as he put it. Alexander's grip on my hips tightens and he breathes in deeply. I dip my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his wonderful scent. "I'm sorry," I whisper against his skin. "I think I need a tutor." I pull back and fake a pout.

He runs a thumb across my protruding lip before pushing it in until I bite down on it. He groans. "I can help with that," he says huskily.

"Can you, Mr. Crescent?" I lower my voice seductively. "I think I need a lot of one on one time. I promise I'm a good girl." I'm not sure where the confidence comes from. After Derek, I haven't had a ton of boyfriends, only been on a few disappointing dates, and had a few kisses. I haven't had one slightly sexual encounter that I've enjoyed. Alexander has completely turned that around in only a short time of knowing him. I've never lusted after a man the way I lust after him. I've certainly never wanted a man to take me the way my body keeps begging for him to.

Alexander twists my hips and lifts me at the same time - with ease, might I add. His arms don't even tremble as he lifts my entire body high enough for me to set a leg on either side of his hips and then he lowers me gently. Using his grips on my hips, he slides me against his legs impossibly closer to his body, brushing our cores against each other. His voice is deep and throaty next time he speaks, and I swear his canines are slightly longer than normal. "Really? I was hoping you would be a bad girl."

The window shatters.

I scream, bringing my arms up to protect myself against the glass. It's safety glass and Alexander has brought his body forward to protect me instead, so my attempts are unnecessary. It's the window closest to us on the passenger side and when we look out, there's no one there.

"Fuck!" Alexander curses. He freezes, staring off into the distance for a minute. When he snaps back to reality, he shoves me down into the floor board, only stopping to say, "not how I imagined getting you on your knees for the first time would go."

I scoff.

Another minute passes and all the doors open and everyone files back into the car with artwork in tow.

CrescentOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant