"I don't see anything, nor do I hear." the woman said, sounding very annoyed by what was happening. Cassandra figured that voice had to belong to Maleficent.

"Kids!" Fairy Godmother shouted as they looked at each other debating if they should get up. Cassandra waved her hand to motion to the kids to get up. Evie led the others as they walked over to the monitor, waiting to see their parents. Cassandra took a stance near Fairy Godmother as they waited patiently for the classic villains to show their appearance on screen.

"Is it... is it... is..." Maleficent stuttered out. Mal started to fidget with her fingers as Jay rested a hand on her shoulder. Before another voice spoke out from the other side of the device.

"Press enter." the male voice spoke out. Cassandra figured that must've been Jafar as he was the only male parent towards the vk's here. She remembers going over each of the kids and their parents' paperwork with Ben a week after they met in the garden.

"Can I please see a remote? Is this thing on? Ugh, It's broken." Maleficent shouted as her voice showcased how annoyed she was over the device. "Ugh! I hate electronic equipment... Oh!Evil. The sudden mood in the room shifted as the vk's can now see their parents on screen.

"Evie, It's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Queen Grimhilde stated as she looked at her daughter in awe. Evie smiled at her mother's words. Cassandra couldn't help but smile at the little interaction between the two.

"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent jokes, causing the Evil Queen to become shocked at her words. Cruella pushed her way closer to the camera as she seemed to be looking straight at Cassandra and Fairy Godmother.

"Ooh! Who's the old bat?" Cruella questioned as she looked over to Jafar laughing. Cassandra turned to face the headmistress, seeing Fairy Godmother's expression. She was shocked at the older villains, seeing that they had not changed one bit.

"This is Fairy Godmother, and standing right next to her is Cassandra." Mal stated as she took a step closer to the headmistress; resting a hand on her shoulder as she gave her an apologetic smile. Cassandra rolled her eyes at the older villain's actions. To her, they were in the same category as everyone else; foolish mortals.

"Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent stated as she narrowed her eyes at Fairy Godmother. The tension between the two seems to grow as Fairy Godmother tried to keep her composer intake.

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage." Fairy Godmother stated as proudly as she could. Cassandra shook her head, knowing that the villains wouldn't care about that little detail at all. To them, good magic is seen as powerful but is used in the wrong way. It's why they want the power of the wand.

"You really couldn't give Cinderella till one A.M.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" Maleficent continued to tease. "And you." she said as she narrowed her eyes on Cassandra, "You look just like your mother." Maleficent stated, causing the vk's to look her way. Cassandra, in return, gave the dark fairy a questioning look, not knowing her own mother knew Maleficent.

"They were mice! They were not... they were mice. They were not..." Fairy Godmother shouted, raising her voice a bit towards the mistress of evil. Cassandra took a step back from Fairy Godmother. She never saw her as someone to raise her voice even in the slightest situation where it's needed. Instead, Cassandra's mind began to wander back to home as she tried to remember if her mother ever mentioned that little detail. She ignored Fairy Godmother's words as she repeated "mice" over and over again, knowing that Mal probably would handle her.

"Hi, mom." Mal stated as she looked at her mother. Cassandra watched as the two began to interact with each other. She took a step closer to Carlos as he held dude in his arms protectively.

"Mal! I m-m-miss you." Maleficent said as she stumbled over her words. Mal looked unbothered by that statement, knowing very well that her mother didn't mean it. Cassandra then thought about her own mother and realized that she never had trouble stating how she felt. In that moment, Cassandra was grateful that her mom would showcase her feelings towards her daughter, in her own way of course.

"You children are never far from our thoughts." Jafar said as he tried to cover up Maleficent's pathetic mistake. Cassandra rolled her eyes as she saw where Mal gets her lying skills from. Jay, on the other hand, looked really proud of his dad, knowing that he had a bit of a closer bond to his parental figure.

"I got it." Mal said as she forced a smile on her face. She went back to take the lead of the conversation. A thought appeared in Cassandra's mind. She began to wonder if Mal knew who she was all along. Cassandra couldn't help but glare at Mal as she continued speaking to her mother. She knew their plan was to steal the wand during the coronation, but Cassandra also knew that was a plan waiting to fail. She let out a small laugh as Mal's plan was yet another terrible one. Somehow, Cassandra had to think of a way to ruin it.

"Carlos, is that a dog? Oh, yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs." Cruella rambled on. Cassandra nudged Carlos as the boy looked over to her. She gave him a small smile before her eyes glowed blue. Carlos felt a sudden urge of confidence as he held onto Dude tighter before taking a step forward.

"He's the perfect size for a pet." Carlos stated. Cruella looked baffled at her son as she didn't know where this was coming from. Cassandra raised an eyebrow at the scene in front of her as Carlos continued to speak his mind. "This dog loves me, and I love him. And for your information, your dog is stuffed!" he shouted at his mother. Cruella looked hurt by his words; "So give it a rest!" Carlos ended as he stood his ground.

"Oh-ho! Burn!" Jafar shouted as he laughed over the two. Cassandra looked over to Jay, seeing that he was a bit embarrassed by his dad's actions. Cruella looked upset as she threw an insult in return to the ex-genie. The two grown adults began to argue, causing Jay to step away from his friends, quickly turning off the monitor.

"I'm so sorry." was the only thing Fairy Godmother could say. She gave the four teens a sympathetic smile as they stood quiet.

"Thanks for the special treat." Jay spoke out. The rest of the vk's stood in silence as they refused to speak at the moment. Cassandra looked over to Evie as the princess moved her gaze to the ground.

"Of course." Fairy Godmother stated, not knowing what else to say. The vk's started to walk out as they seemed to talk one another. Cassandra quickly grabbed her things without saying goodbye to the headmistress.

"Can you guys wait up?" Cassandra questioned loudly at the core four. They turned around as the girl walked over to them. "So Mal, do you want to tell me what that was about back there?" The girl questioned.

"About what?" Mal questioned back towards the girl. Evie and the boys took a step back, not really knowing what to do in the situation. Cassandra's eyes flashed a bright blue as she spoke.

"What your mom said back there. How does she know my mom?" Cassandra questioned as she took a step forward. All Mal did was shrug her shoulders, not really giving an answer to Cassandra. Cassandra didn't know if Mal was telling the truth or not, but that didn't stop her; a blue hue started to glow around her, causing a few students in the halls to notice the interaction. "Don't lie to me, Mal." Cassandra started with a glare. The prince decided to show his pretty face at the moment, resting a hand on Mal's shoulder. Cassandra rolled her eyes at him before bumping her shoulder into the prince. Evie and Carlos looked at each other before taking a step away from Mal.

"Guys?" Mal softly spoke out towards her friends. Evie gave the girl an apologetic smile before heading the way Cassandra walked to. Carlos shrugs his shoulders before silently following behind, leaving his friends behind. Ben didn't know what happened between the two girls, but he decided it's time to finally talk to Cassandra about everything.

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