Astral Talks

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The days after the Final Exams were rather long and irritable to some. Izuku more particularly since he had to retake his final exam. Aizawa had mentioned to him he'd have to fight All Might once more with only OFA since his reliance on his magic may be not enough. Begrudgingly, Izuku agreed to this and fought All Might one last time. Once he finished, his upper half of his costume was ripped open to show his muscles before he had returned to Ochako and Eri. The earlier of the two had noticed his lack of covering to become beet red and fall on the ground. While this happened and Bubbles was waking his master up due to the brunette passing out from a nosebleed due to seeing Izuku shirtless, Eri questioned what was wrong with Izuku saying that her mother was just acting silly like he does. Today, the class decided to head out towards the Kiyashi shopping district in hopes to grab some last minute items for the training camp.

"Alright. Let us procure what we are here for and-"

"I wanna get new shoes!"

"New muscle shirts for me!"

"I need to grab some coffee pods for my machine."

"We're in the middle of nowhere, Shinso. What do you plan to do for electricity in the forest?" Everyone was ignoring Iida for him to silently stand there with some irritation.

"They're not listening again."

"Relax, Iida. Everyone knows what they need, so just let them grab it. As long as they know what they have to get and can get it, don't force them to follow orders." Izuku patted his friend's shoulder with Eri going to the other side and poking the Engine quirk user's hip to gain his attention.

"Daddy says you try too hard. Don't feel so bad."

"Thank you, Eri. I shall take your father's advice." Iida walked away with Izuku, Ochako and Eri finding themselves alone.

"Well then, I guess we should start looking for what we need. If we're going into the forest, I know some great spells that require a small few things here to help avoid bugs and too much UV rays penetrating your skin that last a week or two."

"Awesome! That can pull bug spray off my list."

"What do I need, mommy?"

Ochako looked at her list for Eri and noticed it was only a set of shorts and sunblock. "Is that UV spell able to be used on Eri?"

"I had plans for that to be who it would be used for. Why?"

"Just wondering since she'd need sunblock. Let's get that stuff first and then go for Eri's things and some last minute things for the trip."

"Sounds like a good idea." The family of three began walking towards the edge of the shopping district in hopes to find what Izuku needed. However, a certain man was following along behind them with hopes to speak with the witchdoctor.

Upon arrival at the store, Izuku and Ochako glance at the name called 'Underworld's Convenience' to somewhat give a neutral face. "Do all these stores have to sound satanic?"

"Let me answer that with a question. Would most people think our power is satanic?"

"You have a point there." Ochako held Eri's hand as they walked in. Izuku was about to follow, but stopped for a moment. "You coming?"

"I'll be with you. Butters has to find somewhere to go to the bathroom."

"What? No I don-" Izuku covered the cat familiar's mouth before continuing.

"Here's the list of things I need if you want to get them and I'll pay for them when I get back." He handed Ochako a list for her, Bubbles and Eri to walk into the store. Once they were gone, Izuku put his cane out for the bottom to be right next to a random person in a hoodie. "Don't think I couldn't tell you were there."

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