A Bright Fight

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In a flash Yugi had ran in tremendous speed towards the creature, jumping into the air while whispering; "Light Breathing: 4th Form.." He swung his body so that he could hold his sword at his left.

"Starfall Chop!" He said as he had aligned his sword with Diabounds neck and swung his body to the right in order to slice it.

However at blinding speed the Diabound has disappeared and went behind Yugi, about to swat Yugi into the walls, Yugi whispered quickly; "Light Breathing: 7th Form.." He repositioned himself midair in order for him to face the creatures' hand.

He clashed his sword with the creatures' hand, causing him to be pushed into a wall, however Yugi landed on his feet and landed onto a pillar, pushing himself back to Diabound while somersaulting towards it.

"Summer Method!" He said as the Diabound went to hit him again, only this time Yugi was able to deflect the oncoming attacks with his blade midair, and successfully cutting off Diabounds' hand, making it roar in pain.

Yugi finally landed to the ground and somersaulted away as the snake for a tail that it had crashed into the ground.

"What are you waiting for?!" Seth yelled to the others as he got ready and summoned a creature, the others followed in pursuit.

Yugi then noticed how Bakura was holding his hand in pain.

"You know I might as well give this back to you." The Thief said as he kicked the Sarcophagus to the Pharaoh, who went down the steps towards it.

Yugi growled at the disrespect and readied his sword again, but before he could attack again, the creatures that the Guardians summoned went and attacked, only to be defeated by Diabound, they also flinched in pain.

Yugi decided to attack now before the others could get hurt, making Yugi launch himself to the air and land onto the creatures' arm as he ran across it to the neck, the Diabound noticed this and tried swatting him off, becoming irritated as Yugi kept dodging.

Bakura himself also grew impatient, until he smirked that is, Yugi narrowed his eyes at the man, wondering what he was so happy about, until he was attacked from behind by the snake, barely dodging it, and got a cut on his arm by the snakes' fangs, making him flinch and fall off.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Bakura ordered Diabound to hit Yugi, which it did immediately, causing Yugi to be hit into a wall, creating a giant crack in the wall and having Yugi spit out blood as he slid down to the ground in pain.

He then tried to get up, but as he tried to he flinched at the terrible pain in his back and legs, but nonetheless used his Total Concentration Breathing to heal himself and stop the bleeding, as Isis went over to his aid, only to see that the wounds were all healed up causing her to stare in shock.

As Yugi was better he was about to rush forward again, until he heard an: "ENOUGH!" that came from the King, as a bright light was created causing everyone to cover their eyes, except for Yugi, and in that moment Yugi widened his eyes in surprise at the Giant Blue creature, that radiated a warm heat that meant no harm.

Once the light faded both creatures clashed and attacked each other, Yugi saw how the Blue one was struggling to defeat the other one, so he saw his opportunity and took it, as he rushed forward, leaping and appeared behind the back of the Diabound.

"Light Breathing: 8th Form: Brutal Claw Fall!" He yelled as he plunged down at the Diabound, finally slicing through the creatures neck, causing it to disappear.

Bakura then shouted in pain as Yugi landed to the ground with grace and turned to Bakura, who glared at Yugi.

"Damn you, just you wait until I kill you!" he cursed as he ran outside of the palace as the others told the Guards to stop him.

Then the rest of the Guardians and the Pharaoh went to Yugi's side.

"Are you alright?" The Pharaoh asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes I am, no need to worry about me my Lord." Yugi said as he bowed elegantly.

"Young one, how did you heal that quickly?" Isis asked, causing everyone to look at her in surprise.

Yugi only smiled at them.

"Those questions will be answered in another time, for now I must go." He said as he turned, looking the Pharaoh in the eye, crimson eyes meeting amethyst, and before anyone could stop him and he dashed away in amazing speed, leaving the people behind and speechless.


Once he had arrived back to the manor, he opened the door to see a concerned Jaden who started freaking out as he saw Yugi's wounds.

"YUGI-SAN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?!" He yelled as he rushed to grab a medical kit.

"It was an intense battle Jaden, I saw a man named Bakura summon a demon-like creature, so I had to step in." Yugi answered as Jaden suddenly stopped at the name, and slowly turned to Yugi.

"Do you mean, Thief King Bakura?" He slowly asked, as Yugi nodded, making Jaden give him a worried look.

"Yugi-San, you have to be careful with that man, he holds a lot of dark magic in his hands, and is extremely dangerous...and I don't want you to get hurt sir.." He said as Yugi nodded with a smile.

"I'm always careful Jaden, besides, I can heal myself you know?" Yugi said gesturing to his already healed wound, causing Jaden to turn his frown upside down.

"WOAAH! How did you heal your wound?!?!" He asked with big and bright eyes, making Yugi slightly laugh at his sudden change in behavior.

After that Yugi wrapped himself in bandages and ointment as he explained to Jaden about Total Concentration Breathing and how it helps heal you faster, who listened while writing it down excitedly. 

Once that was over, Yugi dismissed Jaden as he went to his room to sleep for the night.


*Insert Theme*

Jaden: Hello everyone! Yugi-San is currently healing right now, and he doesn't know I am doing this one without him, so don't tell him!

But anyways! Today's secret: Thief King Bakura...

You see I didn't really explain to Yugi-San because Bakura is more than what meets the eye, all the information that I have about him, is how his village was destroyed, said village was full of criminals, no one knows why, but the Pharaoh decided to kill everyone in there, and Bakura is the sole survivor.

But this is just street rumors, but still! You can never overlook any details that may help you.

But that is it everyone! I hope to see you again soon! Sayonara!

"The Butterfly Brother".   Demon slayer x Yugioh crossover(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now