An Interrupted Dance

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After the ceremony, Shimon, whispered into the Pharaoh's ear with a weird look.

Yugi decided to ignore that fact as the Pharaoh announced that the party would continue.

However when Yugi turned to go into the crowd, a hand was placed on his shoulder causing him to turn to the Grand Pharaoh himself. Yugi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Greetings Little One, I would like to thank you for saving me from the dart." He said as he took Yugi's hand and kissed it. Yugi turned red at the act, and slowly took his hand away, snapping out of his daze as the Pharaoh cleared his throat.

"What would you like as a reward?" he asked Yugi only blinked in confusion at this.

"I don't need anything your Highness." Yugi replied as the King looked shocked for a moment, before his face returned to normal.

"Nonsense, everyone wants something out of these acts." he said making Yugi frown in slight anger and annoyance.

"You may think that, but I don't wish for such things." he said with a blank face, he turned again to leave, only to be stopped when the Pharaoh grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor and eyeing the musicians.

The musicians nodded their heads and started playing music that Belly Dancers would dance to.

Yugi was bewildered and confused at the sudden act, thankful that his hood was still on.

Once they made it to the middle, the belly dancers got prepared to dance along with the Pharaoh and the boy.

The Pharaoh then turned and bowed politely like a gentleman with his date while extending his hand towards the hooded Yugi. 

Yugi subconsciously took the Pharaoh's hand, making the Pharaoh suddenly stand up firmly and pulling Yugi close to him, having Yugi let out a quiet "eek!" in surprise.

Yugi looked up at the Pharaoh in confusion making the Pharaoh only smile and lean in.

"If there is one gift that many cannot resist, it is to have a dance with me." he whispered in Yugi's ear.

"But I don't know how to dance." Yugi quickly replied not wanting to embarrass himself, and let his identity be known, he tried to flee however the Pharaoh still held his hand, so when he tried to leave, he instead let their arms extended and gently pulled Yugi back making him twirl and land his back on the Pharaoh's chest.

"Just follow my lead, Little One." he whispered as he ran his hand against the arm of Yugi's smooth skin having him lift it up, while the other one held Yugi's waist. 

Yugi blushed a crimson red, making him thank Kami that the Pharaoh couldn't see him.

They then began to twirl around the dance floor, eventually leaving the Pharaoh's chest to extend their arms once again from time to time. With the belly dancers dancing around them.

Yugi eventually saw many females look at them with jealousy, causing him to sweatdrop.

And then after a good while of doing that, the Pharaoh finally let Yugi go chest-to-chest with him.

Making Yugi intertwine a hand with the Pharaoh's, while the other one was extended and held by the Pharaoh's other one as well. 

They kept twirling around the room along with the music.

Until the music finally ended, as a way to end their performance the Pharaoh separated from Yugi and with a hand still in his, he bowed to Yugi while kissing his hand again, causing Yugi to become bewildered and even more red.

The Pharaoh then retracted his lips from Yugi's hand and looked up to him with an amused look seeing how Yugi was pretty much overheating.

"See, it wasn't that hard was it now?" he said with a chuckle, Yugi was about to say something until a swarm of heat that was approaching caught his eye, it was dark, and dangerous!

"GET DOWN-" Yugi yelled, at the same time, a very strong gust of freezing wind made its way through the palace, causing everyone to try and hold themselves to the ground.

Yugi immediately put his hand on his katana, readying himself to fight a demon, the energy seemed to be as strong as an Uppermoon's so he wanted to be ready.

However when the wind died down, it revealed a blue eyed and tan skinned man.

"HAHAHAHA! I hope I didn't ruin your little celebration, gentleman." 


*Insert Theme*

Jaden: Hello Everyone! My name is Jaden Yuki! I have lived in Egypt for about...*counts fingers*

Yugi: 4 years no?

Jaden: Ah yes! Exactly! So I know most of the things that are going on.

Yugi: Well do you mind explaining to me why the Pharaoh made me dance with him?! *Blushes profusely*

Jaden: *snaps fingers* That is what today's Taisho Secret is actually! You see a lot of people that the Pharaoh meets usually do things for wealth, fame or power.

Yugi: That's horrible...

Jaden: Don't feel bad Yugi-San! Because when there are people that don't want anything, the Pharaoh has already been taught that he must give something as a thank you anyways, no matter what!

Yugi: Ohh...but why were the women looking at us in jealousy?

Jaden: Well the Pharaoh IS the most handsome man in Egypt...and I have to admit you are also rather attractive so I'm sure some of them were jealous of you and/or the Pharaoh.

Yugi: *blushes like a tomato* I- Uh... 

Jaden: Well I think I broke him, but now it's time to go! Sayonara

"The Butterfly Brother".   Demon slayer x Yugioh crossover(DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant