Present day

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"STAY BACK!" screamed a woman as she scooted away from the demon.

"And miss dinner?~" the demon cooed and then launched itself to the woman.

She screamed and shielded herself expecting the worst to happen shutting her eyes tightly.

"Light Breathing: First Form...

Blinding Sky!"

A slash was heard, the woman opened her eyes slowly, to see the head of the demon fall to the ground, she stared in shock at the sight before her as the demon growled in rage.

"YOU DAMN BASTARD! I AM GONNA KILL YOU!" it screamed as it disintegrated into nothing, the woman turned her head to her savior, revealing himself to be a small boy, he looked around 16, with bright amethyst eyes, slightly pale-ish skin, star shaped hair with purple tips, and golden M shaped bangs. The woman gasped for he almost looked like a girl if it weren't for his slight muscular body. 

He wore a lilac kimono like shirt that had purple imprinted on it, a robe dress (I have no idea what it's called) with light purple hems, the 'dress' was dark purple with some golden hemed sleeves. (picture below)

 (picture below)

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And to his side he sheathed a golden bladed sword into a white sheath. The hilt was shaped as a star, the blade was long with kanji written on it reading: "Destroyer of Demons" the grip was an all white with criss-crossed yellow markings making it seem like a diamond shaped pattern, at the top of the hilt there was a light yellow rose tied to it. 

The woman only stared at the boy as he approached her with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry are you ok?" he asked her, she only shook her head, she may have been chased but thankfully she wasn't injured.

The boy smiled at the response and extended his hand. 

"Come with me, I will take you to your family." he said as the woman took his hand with a bit of hesitation. 

They walked for a little until they reached a giant house in a village not too far away, the boy saw this as a noble's house as he saw a man and female worriedly talk to a guard. The woman recognized them as she ran calling them: "Mom! Dad!" the two turned to her as they embraced each other in a hug, the boy smiled as he turned away and started walking.

The woman noticed her savior leaving as she said: "Wait! Don't you want repayment?!" 

The boy turned and shook his head.

"Well... can I know you name?"

The boy smiled and replied out loud 

"My name is Yugi, Yugi Kocho!" 


*Insert Theme*

Yugi: Hello everyone! And today I will be hosting todays' Taisho Secrets!

*Shinobu appears*

Shinobu: Moshi Moshi~ What are you doing Yugi-Kun?~

Yugi: GAH! Don't scare me sis! 

Shinobu: *Giggles* You sure are jumpy Yugi, you didn't think I'd let you do this by yourself did you?

Yugi: That was the original plan...

*Shinobu gets closer to the camera*

Shinobu: Yugi's clothes design was actually quite different! Instead he was planning on wearing a dark purple version of the Demon Slayer Corps' uniform with a white and yellow coat that had the Sun and its rays as a design on the back , however a nice gift from Mitsuri made him change his mind, that's why he wears what he wears now!

Yugi: Shinobu-San! I was supposed to say that..

Shinobu: Well you were just a little bit too slow my dear.

Yugi: Well, then that would be it, see you in the Next Chapter!

"The Butterfly Brother".   Demon slayer x Yugioh crossover(DISCONTINUED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu