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Hope Ashford

"I don't think you'll need a bodyguard anymore," Nicolas says. "I can always take care of you." I fake smile and go back to eating my ice cream. I look behind me, I can see Adrian through the glass. As soon as our eyes lock, I turn my gaze away from him and back to Nicolas. "Why'd your parents hire him?"!

"Because they're dramatic," I reply. "And apparently they just want me to be safe." Nicolas takes a bite of his ice cream. Adrian does that with his ice cream too.

"I'm glad they're keeping you safe," Nicolas says. I awkwardly smile and nod. I'd genuinely be having a good time if I wouldn't have screwed things up by telling him that I also miss us. I miss our friendship, yeah, but I don't miss the romance we had. It was a middle school relationship. It didn't mean much to me. "Are you down to go to a party with me?"

"Tonight?" I ask. He nods his head and takes another bite out of his ice cream. "Yeah. Why not?"

"Is there a way for your parents to give your bodyguard the night off?" Nicolas asks. "I don't want him there."

"Maybe if you ask," I shrug my shoulders.

"I will."

I turn to look over my shoulder to look at Adrian and our eyes meet again but this time I don't look away. I don't get why he would reject me but not Nina. In a way I do. I know they would flirt while I still hated Adrian. The thought of Nina makes me angry. I finally break eye contact and turn to look at Nicolas again. "Ready to go?" Nicolas asks. I nod my head. "I have to ask your parents for permission to take you out and hopefully your stupid bodyguard won't come along."


The walk back home felt awkward. Nicolas was on his phone most of the time and Adrian was behind us so it was silent the entire time. Nicolas spoke to me a few times but his phone had most of his attention.

When we got home, Nicolas told me to get ready while he took care of everything else. So I did as he told me. I picked out a tight dress and waited a few minutes for him to come upstairs. Twenty minutes passed until I finally heard a knock at the door. I open the door. "What did my—" Adrian barges in and shuts the door.

"What games are you playing Hope?" Adrian asks.


"You can't go to that stupid party without me," Adrian says angrily. What the hell is going on with him? "What if something happens and I'm not there? Your boyfriend can't take care of you properly."

"I've lived without you Adrian," I scoff. "When I go off to college you're not gonna be my bodyguard anymore. So start getting used to not seeing me every second of the fucking day."

"You're not going without me."

"Nicolas will convince my parents," I shoot back.

"Funny how one second you're confessing your love for me," he says while making air quotes with his fingers. "And then the next you're running back to your ex-boyfriend." Did he forget how he rejected me?

"Fuck you," I try to walk past him and reach for the doorknob but he grabs my wrist. I get out of his grip and stand in front of him. "I don't get why you care, Newman. You have Nina don't you?"

"What is it with you and thinking something is going on between me and Nina?" Adrian demands. Before I can speak, Nicolas walks in.

"Congratulations bodyguard, you have the rest of the afternoon off," Nicolas pats Adrian's shoulder and smiles at me. Nicolas and I walk out leaving Adrian there. I turn to see if Adrian followed us. He didn't. "I'm driving us, the house is pretty far from here."

"How'd you convince them?" I ask.

"Your parents adore me," he says. "How could they say no to this face." He sticks his bottom lip out and makes puppy eyes. I force a laugh, trying my best not to cringe and show the ick that I just got.

"So," I change the topic. "Where's this party?"

The music is blasting in my ears. I walk outside to get fresh air but it's just as crowded out here. I can hardly see anything. I don't know where Nicolas went. I'm trying to make my way to a not-so-crowded area.

This house is way bigger than mine. Especially the backyard. I can hardly see anything. That's when I spot Nicolas, from a distance. I recognize him because of the bright orange shirt he's wearing and his hair. His hair is noticeable. It's curly and almost shoulder length.

I start making my way in his direction. I want to go home. I don't like this party, and I'd leave on my own but Nicolas brought me here and I don't know where we're at. I'd call Jeremy but I decided to be stupid and leave my phone in Nicolas's car.

I continue walking in that direction without noticing what I'm standing next to. The floor is wet.

"Jason give me my fucking phone you dick!"

I get shoved.
I fall.
I'm in the water.
I'm panicking.
My eyes are burning.
I'm swallowing water.
My heart is racing.
I'm freaking out.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
I can't breathe.
I can't fucking breathe.

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