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"Graduation's tomorrow," Mr. Ashford points out. "Hope, have you decided what you're doing with your life after high school?" Hope shifts uncomfortably in her chair and moves her spaghetti around with her fork.

"I'm taking two gap years," Hope replies. "Then I'm starting college." Well, if we're being honest here, Hope is praying that her parents are going to provide for her forever. The thought of college doesn't exactly excite her.

"Hope, I think that you should only take one year off," Mrs. Pierce suggests. "Maybe start looking at some colleges?" Mrs. Pierce wants to keep a perfect image of her daughter. Hope has been called lazy and spoiled by her aunts. Not to her face of course, but to Mrs. Pierce's.

"Let her take two years off," Mr. Ashford chimes in. "My princess deserves it after working really hard." He places his hand on top of Hope. Hope nods in agreement, smiling at her dad. Mrs. Pierce shakes her head and sighs in annoyance.

Hope's phone rings and the screen lights up. The name 'Leo' flashes across the screen. Hope rolls her eyes as soon as she sees the unpleasant name and declines the call. Mrs. Pierce looks at Hope in confusion.

"Honey that's your boyfriend," Mrs. Pierce remarks. Hope shrugs and takes a bite out of her biscuit. "Are you mad at him?" Hope shakes her head no. "I don't know what's going on with you Hope." Mrs. Pierce sighs in disappointment.

"Dad, can I go out with April?" Hope asks, completely ignoring her mom's comment. "I saw this really pretty dress I want to wear for my graduation party." Mr. Ashford pulls his wallet and hands Hope his credit card. Hope squeals in excitement and hugs her dad tightly.

"You're the best dad ever," Hope exclaims happily. "Love you!" Hope runs off. Mrs. Pierce turns to her husband and gives him a look.

"What?" Mr. Ashford asks. Mrs. Pierce sighs and shakes her head.

"You spoil her way too much," Mrs. Pierce states. "She's still going to be relying on us while we're six feet underground."

"I think you're exaggerating," Mr. Ashford admits. "Besides, you know exactly why I treat Hope the way
I do." Mr. Ashford says as guilt overflows him remembering that tragic day that Hope almost died because he was distracted. That awful day that Hope almost drowned in a river.

"For God's sake James," Mrs. Pierce says angrily. "That was eight years ago get over it!" Mrs. Pierce angrily gets up from the table. "I'll see you at the agency." Mrs. Pierce storms out of the dining room, leaving Mr. Ashford sitting all by himself.

The problem is, Mr. Ashford couldn't get over it even if he did try. Hope has severe trauma from that day. She won't go near lakes, pools, beaches, rivers, etc. Hope still remembers that day like it was yesterday. She doesn't think she'll ever forget those dreadful moments, screaming for help and desperately gasping for air. She was only ten years old.

"This one?" Hope asks as she walks out of the dressing room, spinning around to show every angle of the bright red dress. April examines the dress that Hope had picked. April shakes her head no.

"The fluff in the middle is too much," April points out. Hope groans and gets back inside the dressing room. "We should go to another store."

"April we've been at this for hours!" Hope exclaims in frustration. "I'm probably not even gonna find a dress and the party is on Sunday."

April and Hope look around the store for a little longer and Hope finally sees the perfect dress for her. The prettiest shade of purple. Not too fancy but not too basic either.

"I'm so getting that one," Hope states as she grabs the dress and rushes to the dressing rooms. April follows and waits outside of the dressing rooms as Hope tries on the dress. After five minutes or so, Hope walks out with the biggest smile on her face.

April's mouth falls open, she stares at her best friend in awe. "Hope that dress was literally made for you." April stretches her hand out to Hope. Hope takes her hand and April spins her around. "I'm so jealous of how pretty that dress looks on you."

"Shut up you're the reason my confidence is so high," Hope says and awkwardly laughs knowing that what she just said is partially a lie. Hope acts confident, says she has a huge ego when in reality she flips through magazines while comparing herself to other girls.

"So this is the one?" April asks while admiring Hope in the dress. Hope nods and smiles. Hope takes the dress to checkout and pays with her dad's credit card.

"We should go grab coffee," April suggests. Hope nods her head in agreement.

Hope and April start walking to the nearest coffee shop.

By the time Hope and April walk out of the coffee shop, it's already starting to get dark. Hope didn't bring her chauffeur with her because she wanted to walk, she enjoys walking, but now that it's dark she's starting to regret not bringing her chauffeur.

"Should I call Jeremy?" Hope asks April. Jeremy is one of Hope's chauffeurs.

"We're almost at your house we'll be fine," April replies. Hope hesitates for a moment but then just agrees and they proceed to walk. Hope uses her phone's flashlight to see in a dark alley.

"Hey pretty ladies, need a ride?" A grown man says as he approaches April and Hope. They both freeze. Both of the girl's feeling scared.

"We're good!" April calls out nervously. Hope is shaking in fear as he gets closer. "I said we're good didn't you hear me!?" April starts pulling out her pepper spray from her purse. "Take one more fucking step and you'll be sorry!" April threatens.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" he laughs mockingly. "Because, man oh man, I am so terrified!" He gets close, too close. When he's close enough, April sprays his eyes with the spray and rushes out of there with Hope. "Fucking whores!" he screams from the distance.

"Oh my God." Hope starts shaking in fear. April looks at her with concern.

"Hey it's okay," April says, putting her hands on Hope's shoulders, trying to calm her down. "That creep didn't do anything to us."

"I know but what if you weren't carrying your pepper spray with you?" Hope asks. "Who knows what would've happened to us."

"Luckily he didn't do anything to us, now let's get home before more creeps come out," April says. Hope nods quickly in agreement. They start walking to Hope's house. Hope looks around in every corner. Feeling completely paranoid.

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