Goodbye. . . ?

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3rd Pov

Y/n, Kirby, and Elfilin all hugged each other until. . .

Leongar?: You! You dare!

The group turns around to see Leongar awake with blank glowing purple eyes.

Leongar?: Plan ruined. Important plan. Needed labor. Opened vortex. Found workforce. Brought here. And yet? Error made. Irksome, pink contaminate. . .

Y/n soon felt uneasy about this.

Leongar?: Careful planning. Now wasted. No more planning. No more patience. Instead. . .

The "Great One" behind Leongar opened it's eyes. Filling Y/n with Disgust and Dread.

 Filling Y/n with Disgust and Dread

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Everything. Shall Be. Consumed. Starting. With You. Y/n.

The specimen broke free of it's containment and started to turn into a liquid like substance. The group backs away cautiously, but the rest of the beast pack block their exit. 

Y/n: You guys need to get out of here now!

Y/n tries to warn them, but it was to late. In the blink of an eye the creature used it's tendrils and grabbed the beast pack, absorbing them.

The creature grew bigger and morphed into an amalgamation of the beast pack and the floor began to break apart. Y/n grabbed Elfilin and headed to an open door with Kirby following behind. As the group stop to catch there breath, they heard banging and turn to the door that was closed. Another bang was heard and saw a huge dent on the steel door. Finally the creature broke through giving chase to the group.

 Finally the creature broke through giving chase to the group

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(After the chase.)

Fecto Forgo was starting to fall apart, but it used it's tendrils to attack Kirby and he dodged the incoming attacks. Y/n quickly realized what it was trying to do, but before he could tell him Fecto Forgo grabbed Elfilin. Y/n was quick on his and grabbed him and started pulling him away from Fecto Forgo, but Fecto Forgo wrapped one of his tendrils around Y/n's ankle and started to pull him in. 

Y/n: Get your gross slime off me!

Y/n Tried to break free, but to no avail as he and Elfilin was absorbed by Fecto Forgo.

Y/n Pov

Y/n(mind): I failed. . . To save my friends. Do I just give up?

As I let the cold embrace envelop me I feel something warm holding me. I open my eyes I see it was. . . Leon!?

Kirby, y/n, and the Forgotten LandWhere stories live. Discover now