The Dream and the King

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3rd Pov

Y/n was sleeping in Kirby's house, while Kirby and Elfilin go eat at the waddle dee café. He told them both that he changed his mind and wasn't hungry anymore. But the truth was that he had a bad feeling about something and didn't want Kirby or Elfilin to worry.

???: Powerful. . .

Y/n opened his eyes, only to see that he was in a black void of nothingness. He then heard the voice again and listened carefully to what it was saying.

???: Powerful. . . Odd. . . Must have. . .

Y/n: Who are you?

???: Life Form. . . You. . . Help. . . Plan. . .

Y/n: What are you talking about? What 'plan'?

Soon the entire void became a mixture of light blue and magenta. Suddenly Y/n got a very painful headache. He heard the voice shouting at him making the pain worse.

???: YOU. . . WILL. . . HELP. . . MY. . . PLAN!!!

Y/n: Ahh! Stop!

???: NO! YOU. . . ARE. . . NOW. . . PART. . . OF. . . MY. . . PLAN!!!!

Y/n: STOP!

Y/n Pov

I woke up from my nightmare tears in my eyes and a sharp pain in my head. I looked to the left and saw Elfilin and Kirby standing there with worried looks on their faces.

Kirby: poyo. . .

Y/n: I'm fine Kirby, I just-


3rd Pov

Elfilin shouted so loud that a few waddle dees nearby came looking through the window to see what was going on. Y/n and Kirby looked at Elfilin who had tears in his big watery eyes, they both didn't expect him to lash out like that. Elfilin realized what he just did and starts to apologies for his outburst.

Elfilin: I'm sorry I didn't mea-Ahh!

Y/n hugged Elfilin tightly with tears running quickly down his face.

Y/n: I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to worry. I really care for the both of you.

Kirby then walks up to Y/n holding out a cake that looks like him doing a car-mouthful.

Kirby then walks up to Y/n holding out a cake that looks like him doing a car-mouthful

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Y/n: Is this for me?

Kirby nods his head and gives him the cake. Y/n starts to smile a little.

Y/n: Thank you.

After the team rested up, and cleared through the mini bosses of the bridge. They walked in and and saw two awoofys, but they looked different and the big figure turned around to reveal himself as. . . His Royal Nemesis King Dedede.

Y/n took Elfilin away from the battle as Kirby and Dedede fight it out

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Y/n took Elfilin away from the battle as Kirby and Dedede fight it out. The battle was intense until Dedede jumped away from Kirby and grabbed a column, then started swinging it at Kirby. Kirby was knocked around a few times, but that didn't stop him as he grabbed a bunch of stars and shot them back at him which completely knocked him out. Y/n was relived and did a victory dance with him. But when Y/n, Elfilin, and Kirby didn't pay attention to Dedede getting back up...

Dedede captured Elfilin in a silver cage

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Dedede captured Elfilin in a silver cage. Y/n ran to attack him and help Elfilin, but was knocked out by Dedede from swinging the cage that Elfilin was in and Dedede got a gold cage and caught Y/n too. Dedede called the little birds to fly him and the cage that Y/n was in away from Kirby before he could stop them.

Elfilin: KIIIIRRRrrbyy. . .

And just like that they were gone in the sky with Kirby reaching his hand out to his friends.

Kirby(mind): I got to get them back!

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