The Boy and the Lion

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(Think of this as you wish)

Y/n's Pov

I awoken to see I was in a bedroom of some kind.

I awoken to see I was in a bedroom of some kind

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Leongar: I hope you slept well.

My attention was then grabbed by Leongar when he forced me to look at him. I then looked down to see both of us laying down on the same bed. That got my mind going everywhere, thinking what he did while I was out. 

I tried to get out of the bed, but Leongar grabbed my entire body with his paw and pulled me into his chest. I hear a soft purr as I struggle to break free. He chuckles at my attempt to escape his grasp.

Leongar: You are quite amusing little one~.

Y/n: Let! Me! Go!

I struggled even harder which proved ineffective. He starts to think to himself and tries to propose me a deal.

Leongar: I can make you part of the Beast Pack, and you can be my right hand man or in this case my right "Paw" man. What do you say?

Y/n: Two things. 1, that was a terrible pun and you should be ashamed. 2, I will never join your stupid pack!

Leongar: Well that's a shame, but I have work to do so I'll leave you in this room to rethink your choice. And when I come back, you better agree to accept my offer.

He whistles loudly, calling 2 primal awoofys.

Leongar: Make sure he doesn't leave this room.

The 2 primal awoofys barked and stood guard in front of the door in the room while Leongar leaves. 

A few minutes later. . .

I feel myself losing hope to be rescued from this place. I started to cry softly with tears running down my face. The primal awoofys notice my tears and walked over to me. One of then started to sniff me then licked my tears away. I looked him and he looks back, I then hugged him out of loneliness which caught him off guard, but he soon returned the hug. After crying myself out I began to grow tired and tried to fall asleep on the bed, but the 2 primal awoofys then climbed on the bed and fell asleep next to me on each side as I rubbed their heads and fell asleep myself knowing that are some creatures that want to help me.

4 Hours later. . .

I was awaken from my sleep by something rubbing my face. I opened my eyes to find a primal awoofy tugging on my shirt, forcing me to get out of bed.

Y/n: (yawn) What are you guys- Ow!

One of the primal awoofys tackled me out of the bed, making me hit the hard floor. I turned to them in anger to see one awoofy open the door and the other telling me to follow. It seem they want to help me escape, so I followed them. As we avoided the Beast Pack we entered some sort of chamber that held Elfilin and the "Great One" Leongar was talking about.

 As we avoided the Beast Pack we entered some sort of chamber that held Elfilin and the "Great One" Leongar was talking about

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Elfilin: Y/n, your ok!

Y/n: Don't worry Elfilin, I'll get you out.

As I approach the container that he was in, one of the primal awoofys flew by me and hit the ground hard. I ran up to him to see that he's been beaten and all scratched up.

Leongar: I knew I shouldn't have left you two traitors in charge of keeping an eye on Y/n.

I turned around to see Leongar strangling the other primal awoofy in his paw before throwing him in the other direction. This was making me tear up at how he was treating them.

Y/n: Stop hurting them!

Leongar: We all have a part to play, we will receive the holy power from the Great One to reach our goal, and be free from this forgotten land that your kind caused.

I snap at him, having enough of this garbage he's trying to put together.

3rd Pov


Y/n charged at Leongar.

Elfilin: Y/n, no!

Y/n didn't listen and started to punch and kick Leongar in the stomach which didn't phase him at all. Leongar grabbed Y/n and started to tighten his grip causing Y/n to scream in pain as Leongar's claws start to sink in. Elfilin cries out with tears in his eyes.

Elfilin: Y/N! Please, let him go. You're hurting him.

Suddenly, Kirby busted in and used his storm tornado to attack Leongar and carry Y/n to safety. He sees how injured Y/n was and uses his Maxim Tomato on Y/n to help him heal.

 He sees how injured Y/n was and uses his Maxim Tomato on Y/n to help him heal

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Y/n: What? How am I. . . Ooohh, food items restore your health, Duh.

Y/n heard a low growl and saw that Kirby was in trouble. He remembers what Leongar said about him being powerful and starts to concentrate and sees that his hands were glowing (F/c) and summoned a spear. He was shocked that he could do that, but he had to focus on helping Kirby.

Kirby was weak and tired and Leongar was about to finish him off until a powerful ball of light blew Leongar away, smashing through the glass, knocking him out cold. Y/n helped heal Kirby by showering him in a gentle light. They both worked together to brake Elfilin out of the container and Y/n's power faded.

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