"Clarke said the first drop ship will be down soon, you can avoid Jaha forever" I told Bellamy.

"Yeah well neither can you" he replied.

"I can try" I said walking off.

We soon reached an empty field. There was puddles of water everywhere along with mud and long grass.

"Clarke said it should be here" I explained.

"There must be a door around here somewhere" Bellamy said firmly.

"You know maybe Jaha will be lenient"I shrugged.

"I don't think the chancellor will forgive and forget, I shot the man Annabeth!" He yelled at me.

"Hey don't complain, everyone up there thinks I did it!" I snapped back.

"Split up, stay in shouting distance" I added as I wondered off on my own.

As I walked away from Bellamy I had a weird feeling that somebody was watching me, I turned around but saw nothing, I decided to ignore it and continue looking.

Soon I found something and uncovered it.

"Bellamy! I found a door!" I yelled out to him.

He immediately came running over to me.

"It's rusted shut. Here move your foot" he whispered.

He grabbed his axe and hit the door lock a couple of times until it opened.

We opened the door to a set of stairs, I looked at Bellamy and he went first. As I went in after him he held out his hand for me.

"I don't want you falling" he said softly.

I smiled at him and took his hand. I felt that same feeling again, where I had butterflies in my stomach and my heart raced.

"This is one horrible place to die" I whispered as we wondered through the depot.

"Clarke said to look for blankets, clothes even food. Anything to get us through winter" I told Bellamy.


As we searched around both Bellamy and I realised everything was ruined and disgusting. I opened a small blue tub and found some orange blankets.

"Look blankets" I said excitedly.

"You're excited about a couple of blankets? What about a med kit? Or a decent fucking tent?" Bellamy spat pushing a barrel over.

As the barrel hit the ground something fell down with it. I gave Bellamy a confusing look and he checked out what had knocked over.

"Oh my god" he whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"Guns" he smiled turning to me holding one.

"One we can kick some grounder ass!" I yelled out.

Bellamy grabbed a the guns and ammunition from the barrel and put them on a table. He walked over to an entry way and hung up a piece of cloth and drew an X on it.

"Let's see who's the better gunner hey?" Bellamy said.

"Oh your on Blake" i said grabbing a gun.

He fired the first shot but nothing happened, I laughed as he took the bullets out.

"Mine are duds, try yours" he told me as he opened his food pack.

"Watch and learn" I smiled shooting at the X.

"Bullseye!" I yelled as I threw my arms in the air.

"Go again" Bellamy said.

"No we can't waste any ammo" I laughed at him as I ate my food pack.

"You left Miller in charge of the grounder, you must trust him" I said putting the gun down.

"Yeah, you should keep him close" he replied.

Suddenly I realised Bellamy was leaving, that's why he took so much food and why he complained before.

"Oh my god, you wanna leave camp" I said with disbelief.

"I can't stay here Annabeth" he told me.

"W-what about Octavia? What about the delinquents?" I asked him.

"Octavia hates me and you and Clarke can run camp" he explained.

I stepped closing to him and held his hand in mine.

"What about me?" I whispered looking up at him.

He didn't answer me, he couldn't even look me in the eyes. My heart broke in that moment.

I let go of his hand and turned around. Suddenly I heard him speak.

"I could never leave you Annabeth, but I have to" Bellamy said softly.

I then felt his body against the back of mine, I turned around to face him. He looked into me eyes and all my worries faded away.

"Always running away from your problems" I said.

"You don't mean that" Bellamy replied.

"Yes I do" I spat.

"I'm gonna get some air" Bellamy then walked out of the depot.


I still don't know what chapter this is honestly but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it. I liked writing this one.

Collide : Bellamy Blake Where stories live. Discover now