"I'm glad I came," she remarked as she adjusted her costume.

"Me too," Mariana said with a smile. She paused to adjust her deer antlers. "Tonight's gonna be a lot of fun!"

Cassie found herself smiling as well. "I think so too."

Mariana nodded while scanning the crowd. She suddenly spotted someone she recognized from a distance.

"I'm gonna go hang out with DeShawn for a bit. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all! Have fun, okay?"

Mariana said goodbye before strolling up to DeShawn, who was dressed as Indiana Jones. He was even holding a brown whip in his left hand. Cassie couldn't help but raise her eyebrows at his costume.

I can't believe he has a freaking whip with his costume! That seems like something Felipe would do, she thought. Or maybe Felipe put him up to it?

Cassie bit her lip. It had been too long since she had spoken to either guy. While she had had issues with Lexi and Isaac— not to mention more than a couple of nasty run-ins with Nikita— she had never had any problems with Felipe or DeShawn. Yet she had ignored them simply because they were both friends with Isaac. She shouldn't have given them the cold shoulder because of that, and she knew it.

God, I'm such a bitch, she thought as she sighed. I need to try and talk to them again too.

She quickly shook those thoughts off to focus back on the current situation. For a moment, she considered approaching DeShawn to say hi as well. But she quickly spot him making out with Mariana seconds after the suggestion popped up in her mind. She snickered as she walked into the crowded living room to figure out her next move.

A few minutes later, Cassie spotted Felipe standing at the other end of the living room. He was dressed up as Batman, though he was missing the iconic mask. He wasn't alone either; Nikita was standing close beside him, dressed as a zombie. They suddenly kissed, catching Cassie off guard.

I knew DeShawn and Mariana are a couple, but since when have Felipe and Nikita been a thing?! God, I'm so out of the loop, she thought while shaking her head in disbelief.

Cassie walked away so that she wouldn't have to watch two more people she knew swap spit in front of her. Fortunately, one of her favourite songs came on a second later, giving her the perfect excuse to dance. She let any stress or worries leave her body as she danced for what felt like forever.


She jumped at the sound of a college guy shouting her name. Fortunately, she relaxed when she saw who had yelled in her direction.

"Oh, Johnathan! Nice to see you! Love the mobster costume."

Johnathan Smithson grinned. He and Cassie both studied Psychology at New York University, which resulted in them taking a lot of the same classes. They also shared a passion for child psychology— a topic they both cared a lot about. While not super close, they always got along both in and out of class.

Cassie grinned at his appearance. He had on an old black suit with a couple of holes in it, a black dress shirt, a dark red tie, and a dark red fedora to match. He was a few inches taller than her, standing at about six feet tall. He also had light blue eyes and short brown hair that always looked a bit messy. His English-Portuguese heritage left him with tan skin that stood out in contrast to her fair skin tone.

"Thanks," Johnathan replied. "Yours look real pretty on you."

Cassie fought off the urge to blush. "Oh, thanks. Where's your girlfriend?" she asked.

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