The Beginning.

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Lydia Is on her way to Mystic falls

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Lydia Is on her way to Mystic falls. It's been two weeks since she came tothis reality. Lydia first travelled around Hawaii for A week and then went to new york for another week, But sadly she had to go to Mystic falls before the stupid Salvatore brothers and that bennett witch do more stuff, The doppelganger was her ofcourse. Sad that, that witch Sheila died, She would've have been an powerful Opponent. She wouldn't have liked Lydia but that was the fun, Would've been fun if she was alive.

Lydia got on the private plane that OG nicole had, with her witch and two minions. Off to Mystic falls they go.

Lydia did knew she coudn't do anything reckless or without an plan and she did have an plan.

Well A devious Plan indeed.

~Time Skip to landing~

Lydia Got down the plain with her and ordered her Witch and two minions, "You guys go ahead to the house. Make sure it'sdone nicely and has everything it needs, If it doesn't then add it. I'll meet you guys or send a message later", Her minions nodded and took off.

Lydia watched them go. After they were out of site, Lydia took off to an deep part of the forest where there was an lake. This was a lake the OG Nicole used to visit back in the viking period, It used to help her feel free when her father would beat her or her siblings would be treated mkre well. Anytime Nicole didn't feel good or wanted to be away she would come here.

Later it became her spot, She would keep everything of her close here, Her clothes, her toys, her books, anything close to her was present her. There was a tree near the lake, which had an enchantment, Only one person ever could enter the place and that was Nicole. Everything in the place would always stay fresh, no matter how many time passed. Nicole knew this tree could very well make her and break her but she didn't care. She could do anything here, Anything.

Lydia entered the place, She didn't think she would be able to enter but the tree allowed her too. As she stepped inside the place, She felt the air around her change, She could feel the crisp air surrounding her, She could feel the Ancient ancient magic doing it's work, The birds around her started getting louder and louder and once she coudn't handle it, It all just stopped.

I know very short chapter but don't be discouraged, The chapter after this will be very long and interesting. But do guess what do you think happened to Lydia?

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