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  Lydia was the type of person who you loved or hated immediately after meeting her

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  Lydia was the type of person who you loved or hated immediately after meeting her. She was blunt, had anger issues, and very bad mood swings, and maybe she was apathetic sometimes? But people loved her anyway if they didn't then her perfect golden child image would be ruined wouldn't it.

  But one day she was walking home late night from her friends house because her parents wanted her home so nobody would see her outside at late and nothing would happen to their reputation.

  Walking, On her way to home cause her parents refused to come pick her up because they said she deserved walking, that would be the first punishment for going out late to her boyfriend which was literal bulls hit cause she had no boyfriend but her parents didn't want to believe her as much as she tried. God she hated her parents, all they ever cared about is their reputation.

  As she was walking home, deep in her thoughts about how will her parents punish her or what will happen when she got home, she got run over by a truck. It was partially her fault too she didn't see where she was going, she just assumed that it would be fine walking on the road but in her defense the road to her home was kinda abandoned, nobody came their other than her family or their workers so she thought it would be fine cause well it was 3 in the morning who would come at these type of road in the middle of night. It was a literal deathtrap.

  Well she should have pain more attention, been more aware but here she is, laying on the road pretty messed up,  not wanting to die just yet, waiting and hoping for somebody to find her or her parents to come find her even though she knew deep down nobody will come to find her, her parents hated her they only pretended to like her in front of others but in reality they would physically abuse her, mentally, any abuse you can think of and demand her to be the perfect little child. As she was the only child the society and her parents expected a lot from her, like for her to get married to one of his business associate, have bunch of kids, Be a housewife, have a nice personality, complete her high school & college, then get married, etc, etc.

  She couldn't do anything about it either, She knew if she tried they would hurt her, very very much. When she will turn 18 her husband will take custody of her claiming her not prepared or fit to take care of herself. Then her parents would give her off to her new rich husband who will make her decision from then on.

  But as she was dying, she was glad, she was happy to go like this, she was happy she doesn't have to see her parents at her death, and she was glad to be finally free, that she wouldn't have to go throw all her life without her will, that she won't be under pressure or abuse anymore, she was happy if you ask her, she was happy to die, she was sad of course I mean she is dying. But she was excited, waiting to see the spirit side or to see if she will go to heaven or hell.

  But, No, somebody had others plans for her, As when she opened her eyes again, she was now somewhere in a room that wasn't hers and some people telling her that they have to go to mystic falls in 2 hours.

  After an hour of trying to figure everything out, Lydia finally found out that her name is Nicole, She is the female Klaus Mikaelson. Also she's in Hawaii. She never thought that would ever happen but after 2 hours of trying to calm down and understand what the fuck is going on, Threatening the real klaus's man to not argue and book the ticket for tomorrow, Nicole started calming down. After some while, Nicole decided she might as well live and enjoy this life that she has somehow gotten. If she wasn't gonna lie she was kinda grateful that she got this life. 

  I mean who wouldn't love a new life where you can live as you want without anybody telling or demanding you what to do.

  And now she wants to fuck up the plot and save everyone from dying but for now she just wanna have fun for a week or two, The doppelganger can wait and so can her stupid minions. Maybe she could have the Salvatore brothers for herself but ew. No. She doesn't like them, They're stupid.

  Back to her beautiful life. She finally decided to explore hawaii cause why not? Then maybe she'll go to new york.

 She finally decided to explore hawaii cause why not? Then maybe she'll go to new york

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