the support

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Nishtha's pov:
I woke up from my sleep when I heard the noise of the cupboard creeping me out.i gasped and I switched on the lamp was him.didn't he said that he'll return after a week?why is he here?
"I'm sorry I woke you up" he said while holding one of his shirt in his hands
"Weren't you supposed to go for a week?" I asked meekly scared I will get a scolding of what i just asked.
"Yeah but someone else went over instead of I came back" he said smiling at me.suddenly his smile faded and there was a frown on his forehead.
"Did you enrolled your name in the college?" he asked and my flashback came back.chills went through my spine when I remembered how his mother behaved with me when I asked for continuing my education.
"What happened?" he asked and sat beside me on the bed.
"Your mother --she said i'm not allowed to study further" he cut me off
"She's no one to decide about's you.if you're willing to study more you should and that's the end." his words soothed me to an extent where i can't even explain.when everyone else in my family and friends back stabbed me he was still behaving humanly with me.
"I'll take you there tomorrow myself,sleep for now" he said and went inside the washroom.for the first time since that day my heart was actually happy today.i heard the door getting unlocked and saw him just in a towel wrapped on his waist. suddenly my cheeks turned red watching his well built body gosh why am I turning red?.he threw the towel on a chair and started walking towards heart started screaming in my chest.he came more closer and my breath he going to..?my thoughts were stopped when he snaked his arm behind me and he pulled a pillow for himself.oh he was taking the pillow.he descends towards the sofa and pulled a blanket over himself.what else was I expecting?somewhere I was relieved that I don't have to sleep on a same bed with him.I sighed and turned off the lamp and drifted to sleep.

The next morning

"Are you ready?" He yelled as i was getting ready for the college."yes"I said and he started the car.the good thing was my mom and sister in law were not at home so i didn't have to face them while going out.although I was bit scared of their reaction when they'll know.
Within two hours my admission in the university was done and i was asked to join the classes from today itself.reyansh and I were standing at the corridor facing each other and waiting to speak.
"Uh-i'll ask the driver to pick you up at 4." He said and I nodded.
"Bye" he said and went off.I stood there wondering if this all this new relations will lead me to somewhere or is it just going to end like the previous.suddenly a voice from behind hit my trance and I turned around."is this mba first year?"he asked and I nodded."oh thanks,btw i'm dev"he said and extended his hands.

Reyansh's pov
"Reyansh" mom screamed as I was getting ready for my meeting with the germans.
"Yes mom?" I asked as i trying to hurry up.i was already running late and I hated that.I quickly took my file and placed it in the bag unaware of my mom's infuriating gaze on me.
"Where is nishtha?is she still sleeping?look at her manners" She kept saying on and on.
"Mom,she's not at home.she's in the college " I said calmly and that's it she gasped as if she heard someone's getting killed."why did you allowed that?go and bring that bloody girl her right now"
"No mom" I whisper yelled."she wants to go to college and she'll complete her studies.besides we have enough worker for our household work"I said and was about to leave when she said
"You don't know anything about her do you?"
"Do you even know how characterless that girl is?"
"Mom,don't " I got angry
"Her parents wedded her off just Because you have tons of money.You forgot what happened with you?just get rid of her as soon as possible""

Is it true whatever my mom is saying?did she really married me because no else will accept her?I thought

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