Chapter No - 6: Jason needs Alexa's help in his study.

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Alexa ( POV )

' As we were in the canteen having our tiffin, And talking about exams.'

" Jason asked me, Hey Alexa, I need your help with the English Subject as I joined late, I am not understanding the few chapters from literary genre from section four."

" Would you help me, with chapter 4.1 of the novel section?"

' Yeah, Sure, why not I would love to help you with that.'

" Okay then, come to my place after school, I will help you with your studies."

' I also even asked Aria, Aria would you like to come and study with us?'

" She said, No Alexa today it's not possible for me to come, as I am going out for family dinner. But next time definitely, I will come and join you."

'I said, Okay No problem Aria, we will plan something when you will be free next time.'

" We finish our tiffin and ordered the fruit juice and banana smoothie for us."

" Jason has gone to bring it, and after some time, he brought the juice for us."

' Once we are done with the food and drinks, we went back to the classroom to continue our lecture.'

" When we reach the class, at the Same time bell rang to indicate that our recess is over."

' So we took our seats and continue with our remaining lectures.'

" Once the lecture is completed, and it's time to go home, everybody started to leave the class one by one."

' Aria & Jason is also waiting for me to backpack and leave with them.'

" I put all my books and notes in the bag and joined my friends in front of the classroom door."

' We all were talking about studies and other stuff, Aria was telling me that she is confused about, what to wear for today's family dinner?'

" So I told her, do me the video call, and I will help you with the selection of clothes, like what you can wear and what should do your hairstyle."

' Jason also was listening to us, as we were talking about hair and clothes, so he gave us his suggestion.'

Jason: ' Girls why do make dressing so much complicated, wear whatever you like to wear. why take so much time in deciding?'

So I replied to him, " Jason it's not like we make it complicated, it just that sometimes we get confused with the dress, so that's why we need help."

' Let it be, Now we are in front of the school gates. So we should go home, ' Jason you come to my place around 3:00 clock.'

" Okay Bye, we will meet in sometime guys."

' I reach home within twenty minutes as there is no traffic on the road.'

" I enter the lift and press my floor no, and reach in front of my home."

" I rang the bell, and Aunt Rosy opened the Door for me, I wish her, Good Afternoon aunt Rosie."

' Good Afternoon, Alexa Darling, How was your school?'

" It was good, like today we don't get free time, to talk with our friends as we are having a unit test exam from next week."

' Every teacher is busy completing our revision of all subjects, To prepare us for the Unit Test Examination.'

" Okay, Alexa goes change into comfortable clothes, I will prepare the dining table for your lunch."

' I said, Okay Aunt Rosy, I will be in the dining room in a minute. I went into my bedroom and change into comfortable shorts and tops.'

" And went into the dining room, to have my lunch with aunt rosy."

' At first, she never ate with me, but I told her that, I don't like to eat alone, so aunt rosy you should have your lunch with me every day.'

" From then on she ate with me every day."

' We talked sometimes while eating and I inform her that, Aunt Rosy, my friend is coming home to study.'

" So can you prepare some super tasty snacks for him?"

Aunt Rosy:- " Yeah, why not Alexa, I will make your favorite cheese pasta with chocolate milkshake in sweet."

' Thank you, aunt Rosy, you are the best, you know I love you a lot.'

" Yeah dear, I know that, But have you talked to your mother?"

" Yeah after finishing the lunch, I will talk to her. Today she hasn't called me after school, I thought she is busy, so I will call her after lunch."

' Okay, dear.'

" Talking with each other we are done with the lunch, Aunt Rosy has gone to the kitchens to clean the dishes, and prepare the ingredients for snacks."

' I have also gone to my bedroom, and take out my cell phone from my school bag and call my mom."

" As usual, she picks up my call on the second ring itself."

Alexa:- ' Hello Mumma.'

Kizy:- ' Hello my Alexa darling, How are you?'

Alexa:- ' I am good Mumma, just done with my lunch, so I called you. To talk to you, because today you haven't called me even after school time. I thought you were busy, That's why you didn't call.'

Kizy:- ' Yeah Alexa, I was pretty much busy with the meeting that's why I didn't get the chance to call you.'

Alexa:- ' Okay Mumma, But tell me are you done with your lunch?'

Kizy:- ' No I haven't got the chance to eat lunch also, after completing the meeting, I come to my cabin, and at the same time you called, so I took your calls.'

Alexa:- ' Okay Mumma, We will talk after some time, Now you should have your lunch because it's pretty much late now, so have your lunch.'

Kizy:- Yeah Alexa, I will have it now, Bye I will call you in sometimes.

" Mumma hangs up the calls, I put my cell phone on the bedside table, after setting the alarm for twenty minutes, and now I am going to take a nap for twenty minutes, and then I will start studying for exams."

' After twenty minutes my alarm starts ringing to indicate that twenty minutes are over, I woke up from deep slumber and switch off the alarm.'

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