Date?!? Part 2

Começar do início

"What was that for..?" Anya muttered as she held her injured nose, she had half a mind to scold or yell at him when she noticed he was staring very intently at the windows glass display. 

Resting on the display was a golden griffin cupcake, Anya felt a cold shiver run down her spine the plate looked like it was worth more than Anya herself she didn't even wanna imagine how expensive the cupcake was. 

"Let's eat here those cupcakes look really good." Damian sounded dazed as he walked in a trance closer to the door but stopped when he felt a tug on his sleeve. 

Anya fidgeted in place, "Damian can we eat somewhere else, I don't want to sell my left kidney just to afford one dish." her tone indicated that she was joking but Damian knew her better, he could read her like an open book.

"It's my treat shrimp. Remember? I owe you. Come on you can pick first." 

Anya felt a smile inch onto her face overwhelming happiness came over her, "WAH thank you Sy-on boy!! Rich people desserts!!! will it taste like gold?!?!?" Anya had a bounce in her step as she rushed inside trying to get a peek at the menu. 

Damian snorted, "So improper. Anya you'll have to learn how to act in places like this or I won't bring you next time."

Anya tilted her head, "Does that mean we can come here again in the future?" 

Damian looked at her weirdly, "If you act like you're not a commoner running amok then yes if want to."

"I like going on dates with you." She chirped she bounced from leg to leg doing a small happy dance as she looked over the menu. Damian froze in place...Date? Anya thought this was a date...?

"T-this..." Damian felt his entire face flush a bright red he tripped over his words As he tried to form a sentence to no avail.

"DATE?!?" He screeched his eyes shook as he stared intently at her trying to read her. Anya cocked her head to the side, "Well yeah? A date I asked you out on a date and you're here with me now. So aren't we on a date?"  

"You idiot! do you even know what a date is?!!?" Damian hissed he tried to wipe the embarrassment off his face by repeatedly wiping his cheek with his handkerchief. Ironically it was the handkerchief Anya had given him two years ago, he had kept it. It was his treasure his reminder that Anya was someone he could not only respect but count on. 

"A date? Becky said a date is when you want to become closer to someone you like. I like you Damian so I want to become closer ( as friends for world peace)." Anya smiled at him before she looked back down and pointed to a dessert "wanna share some macaroons with me Sy-on?"

Damian felt his heart jump into his throat, Anya liked him. ANYA LIKED HIM? his voice caught in his throat his hands shot up to cover his face, "you can't just say things like that idiot!"

"you really will be the death of me shrimpy girl.." his inner voice was soft and leaked with happiness, his thoughts were warm and held so much softness Anya couldn't help but feel warm inside. 

"eat your own food if that's what your ordering. I'm ordering a cupcake." Once Damian regained his composure he tried to act like everything was fine and led Anya to a counter to order their food. 

"I'll take one golden griffin cupcake, and a platter of macaroons, please," Damian asked a hint of respect in his tone, he quickly paid and ushered Anya to a booth to sit down. Damian took a seat across from Anya, he sighed as he waited for them to bring the treats to their table. 

Anya squealed in excitement she bounced slightly in her seat, "Mac mac macaroons!" she sang with a soft tone. 

Damian watched with a weird expression, "You really are a weirdo. You know that right?" 

"I would respond but since you're paying I won't bite the hand that's feeding me."

"HUH?!? I'm not hand feeding you, forger!" 

"Ehe you are~"

"Are not," Damian growled and glared slightly at the pink-haired girl in front of him, he stood up to go grab the food grumbling the whole way to and back. 

he set Anya's platter in front of her, "I'm not feeding you. Use your own hands."

Anya giggled, she picked up a single macaroon and split it in half, "Remember when you lost at old maid and lost the magic macaroons? you didn't want to share with me then will you share with me now?"

Anya held out the macaroon with a smile on her face, Damian felt his cheek glow with a slight heat. He leaned forward and bit into the macaroon which only made his face a darker red he covered his face with his hands screaming in his mind asking himself why he did that.

Anya poked Damian and offered him the rest, "I'll feed you if you want Sy-on boy."


Sorry for the really late update I got swarmed with school and wasn't able to get this out sooner. I really do appreciate all the comments and likes I love reading them and fawning over every single one!!!

Thank you all for all the support I've been receiving!

Til our mission do us part.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora