"How long have I been here?" Porche asked.

You almost died at first so they look for your damn blood type so rare. Then the next day you became stable.
You are feed with nutrients and food supliment  through this.(pointing at dextrose host.) And today is your day four." Wayne said with out pause.

But after speaking he drinked water.

"Your wound is getting better." Wayne said.
He opened the drawer and get the bullet.

"Now that you are alive." Wayne paused.

Porche looked at his eyes.

"It is your choice Porche. So you trust Kinn?" Wayne asked.

"He asked me if I trust him
I said yes.
He said
Everyone wants him dead.
And so as me
Then he shot me." Porche said.

He must be mad.

But he is not.

"Two bodies one blood.

Not related but knitted.

You are to protect him."

Porche said those words.

"It makes sense!" He said.

Wayne smirked.

"Now who owns your loyalty?" Wayne asked.

Porche lied his back on the bed.
He looked at the windows.

"Well. The best thing is you are alive and survived the test. It is your decisions now. I have to go I will be back tomorrow. And Porche if you leave this place without my permission. You will surely die"
Wayne winked and walked out of the door.

Nurse came and semi solid foods also.

"No internal parts are hurt sir. But your loss of blood made you weak. Consume all of these na. We will be back with the doctor later." The nurse said

Porche felt hunger when he smell the food. So he eat.
The nurse leave him alone.

After eating.
He hold the bullet in his hand.

Same things three important people in his life.
You are to protect him.
His grand father.
His dad.
His mom.

In deep thoughts.
Reminiscing everything.

"Hi" he looked at the door.

His uncle.

Porche does not know how he would feel

"Chay was here" his uncle said.

Since that day he disowned his uncle. He never saw him again

His uncle walked to the table near the bathroom door and opened the drawer.
Handed him the letter

You promised.
Promised to be alive
On my graduation I want you to be there.
Whether you go on the stage or not I don't care. What I care for is you are breathing and we'll.
Healthy that can walk and talk.

And as for me.
Will do my best to stud uh hard and keep out of trouble. Like I promised you.

Be well.
Be alive for me please.

"He is safe Nong" his uncle said.

Porche does not know what to say.

"Are you ready to listen now?" His uncle said.
Porche nod his head.

"All our grandpa's life was owed to them.
Your grandfather. Dad's father and mine and your mom's father. Was we'll and wealthy because of them.

In return.

That flows through generations

And reaches you.

But there was a seal Porche. A damn seal.
That only you can open.

And it will if." His uncle stopped.

"Two bodies one blood.
Not related but Knitted" Porche said.

His uncle nodded.

"So you always was there for Chay?" Porche asked.

His uncle nodded.

"Do we really owe them 2million?" He asked.

"That was because of me. I owe them. Mr. Korn asked me for you and I owe nothing. I was trapped. And nothing I can do but to fulfill your grandfather's promise.
You in their family.
You are well groomed for it

From business
To military.
To marine.
To street survival.

But you meeting the young master was too early and that was accident.
Or maybe meant to be." His uncle said.

Porche holds tight on the bullet.
In his hand.

The doctors and nurses came.
Time for check up and bath.

Porche knit everything together in is brain

All his life is not his life.
But his uncle said. Before his uncle leave.

"You still have the decision."

The following day
Porche sit on the bed. Lean his back on the board looking at the window outside.

"Hi" Wayne said.

Porche smiled.

"I'm in" Porche said with smirk.

Wayne is shocked. But get his phone.

"Khun. This is Wayne. We found Porche." He said with smile looking at Porche.
Then he hung his phone.

"What do you know Wayne?" Porche asked.

Wayne smiled.
"Everything" he said.

Obsessed (KinnPorche)FFWhere stories live. Discover now