Rose began, wearing a latex uniform, he snuck through to the sewer system and exited it inside the school grounds. His master plan was being all... mastery (The writer makes ghost noises: "oooh, put your willy away! Oooh~!" (If you get the reference, I love you)
He looked through the school for a computer. Eventually finding one in a 'Politics' class room (*Shudder*) and began his work. Pulling out an iPad, and skyping some Asian kid who immediately walked Rose though a tutorial who began to hack the system and find bae.
He did, highlighted the details and then left. Rose instantly took down the details on paper and proceeded to smash the iPad to pieces. Then left the way he came in.

At this point, it was early into the evening about 3ish. He looked up the details of the road and home address on his phone and made his way to the hotel again. Seeing an ad for a taxi service. He wrote that down, and soon reached the hotel, changed clothes and called that same number, of which came and retrieved the young man.

About 30 minutes later, Rose reached the destination and ran up to the door. Taking a deep breath. He was so excited. The moment he had been waiting for so long for. Yet now he was having doubts, he waited and longed for this moment for ages. Determined to make this moment happen for so long, yet his hands were shaking... no. He couldn't. Not yet. He had far better plans now.
He ran off. Luckily – He'd brought out a lot of money, he knew exactly what to get. First he'd run to the nearest shoe shop, buy some gorgeous shoes for her because she loves smart shoes. Especially shoes that are anything like loafers or Oxford's. Buying a gorgeous pair that were the size that was right for her. He couldn't remember... Somewhere between like a 6 or an 8.
Then he ran to a McDonald's. Brought bae her nuggets and ran all the way back.
He was ready.
He was prepared.
He felt manly.
He felt as amazing as Wilford Warfstashe (if you get that reference, I will once again adore you).

He strolled up to the door. Sighing and picked up his phone. Then called the girl he loved.
It gave a few rings, agonisingly slow rings, the rings diminishing into nothing as he heard the voice of something far more meaningful. The voice of Bae.
"Hey Faggot!" She greeted in a soft, yet tired tone. Let it be known even if she's tired. She can still sometimes be quite loud.
"Hey Garden Hoe," Rose would be respond in kind. "How are ya?" Rose would ask in in a concerned tone, admittedly worried by her by her lack by her lack of enthusiasm.

"I'm doing okay... what's wrong with y-?"

Rose reached forth at this point, attempting to remain calm acts he covered the microphone. Then knocked, giving a resonating noise into the silence around him.

"Hold on," She slowly began in an almost ragged tone. As if she were disappointed from her continued response. "Call you back, someone's at the door."

Rose nodded understanding to the phone, which was pointless as she couldn't see him, yet.
"Okay Hun, I love you." Rose suddenly let out like he does upon habit now.
Knowing the response and silently mouths it out as Bae returned his affection with her typical sentence.
"I know."

Rose smiled widely as he heard the thumping of stairs and the small yet meaningful beep of his phone. The noise that echoed in his ears and told him she was coming.
He picked up the shoes again and held the nuggets tightly. Growing nervous as the door began to rattle.
Here she comes.

The door flew open and the most beautiful face came into view... far below where Rose was looking. Rose just stated. His face remaining straight for about half a second before he burst out laughing.
"You-You're tiny!"

Rose slowly regained my composure after wriggling in the dirt for a few minutes. Then handed her some chicken. She loved chicken. Especially nuggets.
He suddenly lying realised the mistake he made already.
She was self-conscious about her height and other things... he swiftly got up and apologised and offered her the nuggets.
"I keep my promises... okay, sorry. It was just a little shocking."
She looked disapproving at him for a moment... then wrapped her arms around him.
"What are you doing here? It's good to see you and all... why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Rose just giggled and handed her the box. Laughing hysterically as he uttered out one word.
She looked at the box in shock and grabbed Rose's hand pulling him inside. Practically dragging him up to the room he had only seen on Skype until now.
The posters everywhere, work thrown about the place. Dozens of beanies lay scattered about the place.
Needless to say, it was exciting.

She immediately opened the box. To her joy, she found a beautiful pair of Oxford's (in her words, very smart shoes). In her state of enthusiasm. She tackled him to the ground and hugged him with a great enthusiasm. He warming her up like the radiator he was. Meaning they couldn't stay connected like this for long. Much to his dismay.

"Thank you... you big poo." She began.
Only for he to respond on instinct with an equally insulting get loving resort.
"Thank you, you douchebag."

At this – Rose just looked bae directly in her eyes. Her whole being just seemed to evaporate any and all his doubt.

He was still madly in love with her.

However, sometimes he forgot she knew that... that and felt the need to remind her every 15 minutes. Much to her annoyance, but it was cute... apparently anyway. He always tried to do his best for her. However... he did mess things up. Quite frequently. He never tried to obviously, it just seemed to happen and he would always try to fix it.

No matter what.

Even now as he looked into her sapphire orbs, looked at her face, her cute nose, luscious lips, nurturing voice, adorable cheeks. He knew he was lucky to have her.

So he never wanted to let her go. They remainedlike this for a while. Finally achieving the hug they always talked about. Justlaying with each other for hours it seemed. Hours it was. Blissfully ignoringthe world around them as they focused on each other. Night came, and nor he norher had a care in the world. For now: They just spooned until the morrow. 

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