Third party Pov (26)

Start from the beginning

He watched as they kept on with their display of affection in public, his twin twirled a strand of Emma's hair lovingly before finally sealing it with a kiss. She waved at him as he joined his team for warm-ups.

"They really can't stop can they?" Phil whispered in his ear causing a grunt reaction from Einstein.

He wasn't thinking straight anymore, he only wanted to feel normal, to stop feeling like crap for someone else's joy. He couldn't understand why he was acting anxious about such things that were never a bother to him in the past.

Einstein was in deep thought when he kicked the ball with so much vigor, it projected through the skies with force.

Everyone who saw the ball in the air paused with startling expression and it wasn't until it smashed her hard on the head did the noise erupt finally, Emma fell face down on the steps.

She was bleeding through her nose and forehead. Electra rushed to her aid and turned her over to see blood everywhere.

She cried out loud causing hysteria as the rest join. Within seconds she was surrounded by pairs of curious eyes, shadowing her like a stormy cloud. They're just people who wanted to see for themselves what was going on and the ones who actually wanna help.

But Einstein, Einstein stood in shock unable to move from his position. He couldn't see her at the moment, he was unsure if she survived or probably dead from the hard-hit but he noticed Electra pointing his way, showing the curious crowd who the villain was, him.

"Eric, it's Emma!!" Texas yelled from a distance alerting the training team of the disturbance happening around them. At the mention of her name, Eric swung his long legs in fast motion to the area.

Emma was helped by several guys to the infirmary but Eric took over immediately from them helping her all the way.

"Is she gonna be okay, nurse?" Eric enquired, his hands fidgeting.

"She'll be fine, she concussed her head after the fall, the treatments will help so please I don't need a crowd in here" the nurse announced to the mass of students hanging around in the infirmary. 

"just a close friend before her parent comes around" she said.

Emma lost color on her face. With a bandaged forehead and burst lip, she was sedated to reduce pain.

The students dispersed leavng Eric, Cheryl, and Texas to stay while she slept.

"Who did this?" Eric began as he watched his girlfriend in pain.

"It wasn't intentional bro, it was a mistake I saw it" Texas wanted to defend.

"I said who the fuck did this T, I didn't ask why he or she did it. Who?!" He whisper yelled startling Cheryl who has never seen Eric cuss out since they became friends.

"Guy chill, you have to_"

"Your brother, Einstein," Cheryl said quietly and innocently. Texas gave her the betrayal stare but she ignored him.

"Fuck it!!" Eric snapped and he zoomed off, Texas chased after him terrified of the outcome.

The match was fully suspended due to the rate of disorderliness and tardiness from each team and then the ugly incident. Einstein stayed with the rest of his brother's teammates in their locker room waiting to render his apologies when Eric stormed in and pounced on him.

He either felt too guilty to retaliate or had little opportunity to do so because Eric had him cornered.
Einstein ended up with several blows from his brother and threw none.

Eric was hellbent on his quest to unleash his anger that it took the seven guys present minutes to get him off Einstein.

"I know you've always hated her, but to undertake such an inhumane act is way beyond normal. You're insane Einstein and you need help, therapy! What did she ever do to you?... What?!" Eric yelled as the uncontrollable tears fall.

"She has been nothing but nice and accommodating towards your recalcitrant behavior, yet you never gave her a chance. You never gave me one too" he chuckled dryly shaking his head in resignation.

"It was a mistake, Eric. I... I didn't mean to hurt her" Einstein said in a calm tone, blinking his eyes continuously unable to see clearly, the blow was well dealt.

"Yet you did! You felt the need to put up an act to shame her in public huh?!!"

"No, I didn't, I wasn't thinking straight man, I said I'm sorry!" Einstein insisted, rubbing his wounded eyes.

"Fuck you, Stein! It's high time you treat your fucked up mental issues and stop blaming others for the messed-up narcissist you are. And don't ever come near me or Emma again. I mean it I'll kill you if you do" Eric yelled furiously shoving off the number of hands holding him down then walked off.


What a chapter 😤😤

The twin's relationship has been a rocky one and now it's proving more dangerous and difficult to keep

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