Jessica's Pov (18)

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I grimace at the poor vegetables that'll soon belong to the waste bin. If only she knew how the number of people starving that these precious cabbages would've leveraged then she'd stop stabbing at them like they were the cause of her distress.

I doubt she ever felt hunger or needed anything at worst. Her perfect white skin disagrees, looking like the sun has never made an encounter with them, and her jet black Asian hair is so full and neatly stretched.

I'm helplessly a Mindy Brooke goal as I watch her still stabbing at her food. She hardly ate any, typical of them barbie dolls in need of a perfect shape.

"She's such a liar" she hisses for the umpteenth time.

"Gawd Jess I hate her!... look how she's pretentious about everything like she didn't start the fight, like I wasn't the one on the sideline" Mindy curses staring off ahead to where Yvonne sat at the popular table with the football crew, getting all the special treatment for being a convalescent.

Yvonne had pulled her fastest card when they were given environmental service as punishment for causing a fuss and restricting other girls from using the bathroom.

She claimed she was sick and skipped school the next day. Mindy somehow wasn't able to extricate herself from the punishment, nobody would believe she wasn't involved because everyone knew the trio so she served the punishment with Chelsea.

Principal Habril promised to make sure Yvy did her share but we all know that's never gonna happen, she has that power and that's what upset Mindy so much.

"You know, I could release that video and make this bitch pay, it'll be my checkmate" she whispers, finally crushing a vegetable with her teeth.

"Yeah, it feels nice but not with Yvy. She'll ruin you, Mindy, just let it go" I advise hoping she'll listen but nobody ever listens to me.

"Is that what you think?... That she'll crush me?... I'm not Chelsea Jess!" I nod obsequiously, I don't wanna offend her, not now.

"Chelsea is too irrational, she doesn't think. Besides she's dumb I'm not. I've known Yvy since preschool and I know what she is and isn't, I'm not afraid of her but it's not time, yet" She stands grabbing her tray with such alacrity that I'm scared for the poor thing. She walks over to the nearest trash and dumps it as expected. Kicking the trash in anger she strides off with such X-men elegance.

Yvonne was a more delicate and elegant version of Mindy, always having her emotions under control. She'd never kick the trash out of anger nor grab a tray like she was about to break it into half. She was more subtle or what guys would call feminine.

I remember I'm still sitting alone at the round empty table looking like a weirdo so I grab my shoulder bag which mostly contains makeup and tampons in case of emergency, I run to catch up with the Asian tigress when I jam Terri in the hallway.

I stop on my track, it all feels weird bumping into each other like this.

"Hey," I say avoiding his cold stare. Kenny would never believe how much I also hate Terri now.

"Hi, what's good?"

I shrug "Nothing, class. You?"

He nods slightly, shoving his hands into his camo pockets.

I'm in a hurry, I don't want people thinking I've got anything to do with this freak so I wave and begin to rush off when he calls.

"You're coming to the party Friday night right?..." he's not giving off any expression. I think for a while the reason for his question. Terri is so good with mind games and I'm certainly not in the mood for some.

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