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When the two entered the apartment they were surprised to see Seokjin standing in the living room waiting for them. He was in his pyjamas, his arms crossed and he had a frown on his face, looking angry and worried. When Seokjin had spotted the two he felt relief but ultimately his older brother instincts told him to be angry. "Where have you two been? Do you know what the time is? Why haven't you been answering your phones more importantly?"

Yoongi felt Taehyung grab onto the back of his jacket. He sighed and stepped forward, grasping for the younger's hand. "We were at my studio. And my phone died hours ago. He turned his off when he left here." He said, the half lie slipping out easily as he dragged the other into the kitchen to grab a couple of tangerines and then off to his room. "We are going to sort this out in the morning."

Seokjin stood and rubbed his forehead, stressed. The whole time Taehyung had avoided eye contact and had gone to the extent of hiding behind his hyung. Jin was annoyed. But ultimately he was embarrassed. He knew he had to make it up to the boy, and he had to be quick, otherwise he would end up on Yoongi's bad side too.

Inside Yoongi's room Taehyung sat at the edge of the bed looking at his lap. Yoongi stripped off his jacket and jumper, then gave the younger one of the tangerines. "Here, have this and get comfortable. Don't worry about anything right now." He grabbed his things and headed to the bathroom. Taehyung stared at the tangerine in his hands. He felt bad for ignoring Jin but he didn't want to look him in the eyes and see anger. He spaced out, imagining different ways this evening could have gone. He could have been snuggled up tight in his bed with hopes of the next day, but now he dreaded it.

When yoongi returned to his room rubbing a towel on his head, he found Taehyung sitting in the same position. He sat next to him and put an arm around his shoulders. "How was the tangerine? Do you want mine?" Yoongi asked. The younger one just shook his head. Yoongi sighed. He didn't know what to do with this kid. He got up and ushered the younger to do the same before pulling the covers back and pushing him in. He grabbed his food bag and tucked himself next to Taehyung.

"Do you want any?" A small pot of sweet and sour stir-fried noodles sat on his lap. He looked at Taehyung, who just nodded. Yoongi rolled his eyes,"Use your words. We are not doing this right now; I'm not talking to myself all night."

"Right, sorry. Yes please." Taehyung mumbled before he opened his mouth and Yoongi fed him a chopstick full. "Thanks." And there they sat there until the container was empty and the second tangerine was gone. When they got up to brush their teeth they were quiet. Yoongi rubbed the younger one's back slightly. They looked at each other in the mirror, each wondering what was going through the other's head.

Under the covers they both stared at the sealing. "Hyung. I'm scared for tomorrow. I don't want to have to face them all." Taehyung turned to face his hyung. He lay there and stared at his hyung's features. From the soft arch of his nose all the way to his pink lips then back up to the furrow in his brow. Yoongi kept his gaze up as he whispered, "I don't think it will be that big of a deal. As long as you know you didn't do anything wrong then just relax because it's them who have to apologise and not you." Yoongi turned to look at the younger, with a small smile. "Now go to sleep and stop staring at me, you creep."

"Thanks hyung." Taehyung whispered back with a wide smile which put Yoongi to ease. The boy hadn't smiled all night and Yoongi was so concerned that whatever Jimin and Seokjin had said upset him that much. At the same time he was confused as to why Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook hadn't tried to step in. When it came to the second youngest they always left it to Yoongi, and it's not like he didn't notice. He was fully aware that by now he was the only one to make the boy feel better, but he just wasn't sure why.

Taehyung had unconsciously latched onto Yoongi's left arm. Yoongi took the moment to properly look at the younger. Not like he hadn't been stealing glances all night but damn, now he could see why ARMY obsessed over his features. He was gorgeous. Long dark eyelashes which kissed his tanned cheeks, and the small moles which took him great strength not to touch. Yoongi stroked dark hair out of the younger's face before rolling back on his back and staring into the darkness.

His heart yearned for the younger. Coming from the same place, having similar mannerisms and even being able to translate his Tae-language, Yoongi felt a strong connection for him, despite never admitting it. He hoped all would go well once they all woke up, if not to avoid an awkward household, but for his little brother.

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