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It was 21:25 and Yoongi sat in his Genius Lab in the midst of furiously typing out his thoughts; sparks of ideas were pouring out of him. He finished the last note, about to start the first task when he heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" he asked. The response was a low voice which grumbled on the other side. Yoongi stood up with a sigh. The younger rarely came to disturb him unless he was sent to, but this time he sounded bothered by something. 

"Tae, what's up?" Yoongi pulled the younger in by the back of his head and gently pushed him towards the sofa. He was in his pyjamas and had a fluffy blanket wrapped around his shoulders. His hair was a mess and he looked exhausted. "I can't sleep. Everyone is either being too loud or too quiet. I even went for a walk but I ended up here." He slowly laid down and tucked his hands under his chin. Yoongi, now back in his seat, stared at the boy. 

"Alright, stay here until I finish and we can make our way back together." And with that he turned around and continued his fast and steady work pace. The occasional grunts and consistent mouse clicks and keyboard taps began to sound therapeutic to Taehyung's ears. He finally found himself falling into a deep sleep.

By the time it was 1:45 Yoongi got up to use the toilet. He quickly came back to find the younger was now sat up straight rubbing his eyes. "Are we leaving now?" Yoongi looked at the time and then back at his to-do list with guilt in his eyes. He was actually planning to stay for another hour. But then again, there was a nagging feeling of an oncoming headache in the back of his skull.

"Yeah, come on." He saved his files once more and shut down the computer, slipping on his coat and hat. The younger followed as Yoongi locked the door and made their way out of the building. He got into Yoongi's car and put his blanket on his lap. The car ride was quiet but it was nice. "Hyung, can we get ice cream?" Taehyung mumbled looking at his hyung with sleepy eyes. Yoongi looked at him briefly with an eyebrow raised. "Alright." He sighed and turned on the indicators. 

They stopped at a 24 hour store, the heater making the car toasty warm. "Did you want anything to eat or just the ice cream?" Yoongi had turned his entire body towards the Tae-burrito. Said person shook their head and shuffled in their seat to get more comfy. "Okay, I'm going to buy myself something hot then. What flavour ice cream did you want?" Yoongi looked at Taehyung with a soft gaze.

"Strawberry is fine." 

When Yoongi came back he put his plastic bag of food by Taehyung's feet and handed him his ice cream, licking his own. "Can I try yours hyung?" He looked at the younger with a frown.

"But you hate mint." In return the boy just shrugged. "But you know what it tastes like already."

"Please, hyung. You never know, I might like it now." 

Yoongi shook his head slightly and extended his arm to the younger. There was no point questioning the younger. Taehyung's long fingers covered his hand as he pulled the ice cream towards his mouth and licked. Yoongi's hands were cold and felt the soft warmth radiate through the small touch. Taehyung was quiet for a while before pulling a face. Yoongi laughed. "I told you." He mumbled and pulled back. They finished in silence and then they were back on the road.

Neither of them spoke for a while, comfortable with the quiet noises of the early morning. Taehyung fiddled with his fingers, wondering if he should say what was on his mind. "Hyung, can I sleep with you tonight?" He said facing out the window crossing his arms over his chest. Yoongi was quiet for a while. He didn't know where this random request came from and he wasn't sure what to say, but Taehyung did sound upset. 

"Yeah, sure. But is everything alright? Did something happen at the dorm that I should know about?" He quickly flicked his gaze at the younger. This time Tae was the one to be quiet. "Yeah. I had an argument with Jimin and Seokjin hyung got angry and told me off when it wasn't my fault." his voice was slightly shaky as he felt tears sting the back of his sockets. All he could remember was the deep humiliation of the situation as the two older yelled at him.

Yoongi's head whipped over to the boy. "What! Why didn't you say something sooner?" He pulled up into the parking space of their apartment and turned off the engine, engulfing them in darkness, the only source of light was a lamppost to their left. Taehyung sat up straight and turned to his hyung. "What could you have done?" He snapped quickly regretting it. "Sorry." 

"I could have comforted you sooner. I could have spoken to Jiminshi for you, and Jin hyung for that matter." Yoongi mumbled. He reached for his bag and placed it in his lap. Yoongi looked at Taehyung, Taehyung looked at his lap. "Alright, let's go. We'll sort this out in the morning." Yoongi said, shaking his head, a small frown creased his brows.

Taehyung felt guilty for making his hyung upset but he initially just wanted to avoid the situation altogether because he knew how Yoongi could get defensive on his behalf. He was mostly scared of what would happen once they stepped foot back into the building.

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