Prologue- we're all tired

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Prologue- "We are all tired..."

"Captain...Captain I'm tired..." Mark said as he was slumped next to the now shut off warp-core, The captain frowned as they watched their interpreted engineer finally crack. Finally showing how tired and drained of energy the man was. The Captain sat down next to the male, enveloping him in a hug. Mark cried as the Captain just rubbed his back with their gloved hand. They pulled away from Mark and took off their helmet. The captain placed it to the side as they took Marks hands and held them.

   "It's okay Mark...I'm here now to help you..I will always be here for matter what."

I guess you're wondering how this all started? Well..honeslty I don't know myself, What was just supposed to be a get-together for friends at the hosts manor turned into a bloody masicure of murder, a date with a man that everyone had presummed dead, then a heist, and now...I was the captain of the invicible space. And our head enginear mark..was my best friend..But the weird part was..Mark was the one who died at the manor..Yeah your probably really fucking confused now, So I guess I'll just start us all to the begining, when I first got the invitation..and looking back on it now...I really fucking wished I just went to hang out with my friends Wilbur than go to that god for saken manor..

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