Authors Note

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If you're reading this then you're reading the newer version of this book that has been edited, and if you saw the first version, no you didn't keep quiet.

I initially wrote this book and published it Halloween week of 2021, but this was before I got chance to reread through and edit and proof read. So, I took down the book and I have gone through it all, making some changes, correcting my spelling and my grammar, and just improving it.

The Murders Of Manor Bay Estate was my first book I published and it is honestly my favourite out of all the things I have written, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have done writing it.

This one is obviously a lot shorter than my other book 'The Good Girl's A Killer', but I love that. It's short and simple and won't take long to read, but at the same time, the horror genre will thrill you and get you excited to read on. (Well I hope anyway or else that would mean I'm bad at writing)

If you know me personally, then you will know that these five characters in the book are based of me and my friends. The inspo came from a Halloween dance show where we were to be zombies for our performance and the idea to write a book about how we all died and became these zombies in our dance was brought to my mind. We came up for the idea in rehearsals and I was quick to write my idea.

So, I want to say a thank you to my friends, Gabi, Mia, Emma and Freya for appearing in my book and letting me write about you dying and being tortured - it was very kind of you.

Anyway, I hate authors notes because they're always super awkward to write, so I'll shut up and let you read. But, thank you for reading, even if I've forced you to or you just stumbled upon it somewhere I have no clue, thank you because it means a lot to know people read my stuff and like it.

Feel free to comment. I actually condemn it because reading comments on my book is the highlight of my day and my favourite thing ever. But like don't criticise me because I'm sensitive and I will cry. Ok thank you bye!!

-Melissa xx

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