The First One To Go

52 1 2

Saturday,31st October


Then ringing.

Finally light.

Not a very bright one, but at least they could see.

They were in a car. No. A van. With a window?

It was driving at a critically high paced speed, throwing the girls around as it turned a corner.

"See, told you we'd get kidnapped." Missy stated, folding her arms to look at them all with an unamused look.

"Could you be quiet for one moment my head is spinning." Freya scolded her, trying to sit up but failing as she was flung backwards into a still passed out Gabi.

"Hey, watch it. Ow!" Gabi called out, clutching her head with her hand. "Where are we?" She asked, trying to see out of the window.

"Manor Bay Estate?" Emma replied, reading off a half-broken sign clinging to the metal above. She was on her knees clinging onto the window for support as the van made a sharp turn and threw them to the side again. "Wait? But this place has been abandoned for centuries. It's the place everyone knows not to go to because it's haunted. We've been taught this from a young age so why are we here." Emma began to panic, flapping her hands and breathing heavily as she spoke too quickly for the other to comprehend.

"We don't know Emma! Last thing I remember was eating a handful of chilli heatwave Doritos and now I'm here. Without my Doritos may I add!" Mia shouted, letting the pressure get to her also.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. We're going to die." Missy began hyperventilating, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Don't you dare start crying Missy or else you'll set me off!" Freya yelled, feeling a thumping in her head from anguish and terror.

"I can't help it! I'm the emotionally unstable one here it's my job to do the crying!" Missy shouted back placing her fingers under her eyes to try and stop the tears from falling.

"We're all emotionally unstable!" Mia shouted back, her eyes also welling up.

"Will you guys stop crying!" Gabi hollered, rolling her eyes and folding her arms as all the girls turned to look at her.

Silence was once again in the presence of everyone, drifting around them like an early wind on a winter's morning, but leaving the essence of trepidation along its trail.

"I-" Mia began to speak but had a hand clamped over her mouth by Freya as the vehicle came to a halt, jolting them forward.

"Shut the hell up!" Freya whisper-shouted causing everyone to clamp their mouth shuts.

The only sound that could be heard was the rapid beats of their hearts in their minds and the deep breaths of each girl in attempt to calm themselves before their fate was revealed.

Car doors slammed from both sides and the side door on the van was swung open to reveal two men in suits and black masks to hide their identities, poking their heads through with a sickening grin.

"You ladies are coming with us." One of them spoke, grabbing hold of Freya first and dragging her out like a rag doll. She kicked and screamed, begging for them to let her go and crying out empty threats to all of them as they continued to grip tighter.

"Sedate them again." The other man spoke as he pulled out his needle once again and stalked towards the remaining four in the van.

Mia hid behind Missy, using her height as a shield to hide herself behind. Emma scurried into a corner yelling words at the large man in hopes they'd form some sort of understandable sentence. And Gabi, being the only smart one, took off her boot, swinging it over the back of his head and making a dart out of the van, dragging Emma with her.

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