"Not big on trust are you?" Mobius says.

"Trust is for children.. and dogs." Loki adds. "There's only one person you can trust."

"Yourself?" Mobius, and I say at the same time.

"I like it, slap it on a T-shirt." Mobius says, while playing with the projector. Now the screen has TVA on it.

I snickered.

"Come on, have a seat." Mobius gesture's his hand for Loki to sit on the other side.

Loki hesitates. I know what he's thinking about doing right now..

Instead he goes for Mobius, just as I thought.

Before he could even get to him, I take something from my pocket, and turn it, now he's back to his original spot.

I raise my eyebrows. "Told you, time moves differently in the TVA."

"Come on sit down, let's get into this." Mobius said, while him and I take a seat.

Loki walks hesitantly, then sits down, on the opposite side, while I put my feet on the table.

"Get your feet off." Mobius said to me.

"Fine." I roll my eyes, then obey.

Loki crossed his arms and glared at us.

"If looks could kill." Mobius said, and I snickered.

"What do you want from me?" Loki asked, ignoring that comment.

"Well let's start with a little cooperation." Mobius said.

Loki scoffs "Not my forte."

"No crap." I say.

"Really? Even when your wooing someone powerful you intend to betray, come on." Mobius says, ignoring me.

"You don't know anything about me."

"Maybe we'll like to learn." Mobius and I open our sodas.

"We specialize in the pursuit of dangerous variants." I say, then both I and Mobius take a sip of our drink.

"Like myself?" Loki asks.

Mobius shook his head, bringing his drink down to the table "no particularly dangerous variants, your just a.."

"A pussycat." I say, smirking, finishing his sentence for him, brining my drink down on the table.

"Now, we've got a set of questions for you.." Mobius begins.

"You answer them, honestly.. and we might give you something you want." I finish.

"You wanna get out of here right?!" Mobius says.

"Yeah, we'll start there, should you return, what will you do?!" I ask, while Mobius takes out his clipboard.

"Finish what I started." Loki stated.

"Which is?" Mobius asks.

"Claim my throne." Loki rolled his eyes.

"You want to be king?!" I ask, scoffing.

"I don't want to be, I was born to be." He looks over to me.

"King of what exactly?!" Mobius asks.

"King of his imagination." I scoffed.

Loki ignored that comment and looked back at Mobius "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

Loki takes a deep breath. "Midgard."

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