"Lost, Panic, Pain" (Daisy, Alicia & Diego)

Start from the beginning

It wasn't The first time that Daisy was in This cave, She was here before with another friend to go exploring with and She quit enjoy This Cave like a lot.

But Alicia and Diego didn't, So They are kinda clueless about This cave because This cave is new to Them.

"So, Here is what I want You Two to do, I want You to follow My lead and Do not walk away from Me, You can get easily lost in This Cave" Daisy Said

Alicia nodded Her head and She understood of what Her Older Sister just said.

Diego didn't even hear of what Daisy just Said, He was too busy watching The Twinkly Shiny Rocks that are attached to The Cave's walls, It was very satisfying for Diego.

There were Two Paths in The Cave, The Right Path and The Left Path, Of course Daisy knows which path to take since She was in This cave before and knows which way to go.

So Both Daisy and Alicia walked onto The Left Path, With Diego? He was still looking at The Shiny Rocks on The wall.

After Diego was done, He turn His head and He saw that Both of His Older Sisters were gone, Diego bite His lip because He didn't even hear of what Daisy just said and forgot all about it.

So He started to walk on The right path, Which it is The wrong one, While Diego was walking down The Wrong Path, He started to get worried.

Did He take The wrong path?

"Daisy? Alicia?" He Asked but There was nothing but His Voice was echoing through The Tunnels of The Cave, He called Their names Once again but no response back.

We all know that Diego is one active, adventurous and a little daredevil child but He knew That This wasn't even fun and games, This was serious.

Diego started to panic a little and felt His heart was pumping out of His chest, He was getting pretty nervous but than, It just got worse, His Flashlight suddenly turned off, The Battery died in His Flashlight.

Now This was the time for Diego to start to panic, It was so dark in the cave and He couldn't even see a thing.

Diego felt scared, restless and He started to have a hard time to breath, He knew what was happening.

He was having a panic attack

His whole body started to shake out of Fear, Coldness and Tiredness, This isn't good at all, He was in deep trouble, He transformed His Vest into a Jacket but it still wasn't enough, Tears started to come into His eyes and fall down His cheeks.

"Ayúdame" He Said as He started to fall down and laying Their Helplessly.


Back with Daisy and Alicia, They Both continued to walk down The Path, While Daisy was talking about How The first time She was spending Her Time in The Cave, Alicia was getting a little tired, because of Walking and Hearing Daisy's Boring Stories.

While Daisy was talking like forever, Alicia realized that She feel like She forgot something...or someone?

Alicia turn around and noticed that Diego was not with Her at all, Her heart started to pump fast and She started to panic.

"Daisy!" Alicia Said

"What?" Daisy Asked

"Where's Diego?!" Alicia Asked and Daisy's eyes wide open and She looked around, Daisy took a couple of steps Forward and--

"No, It can't be!" Daisy Said and--

"Diego?!" Daisy Asked but all Both Daisy and Alicia can hear is The Echoes from Daisy.

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