"Wow, did not know you were into economics." Daniel jested yet again, effectively hiding his astonishment over his brother's knowledge.

"The thing is, our country welcomes a lot of immigrants. It is a common knowledge that there will be things that they bring with them and diseases are certainly not an exception." Ben further expounded.

"Now enough of your brainy speeches, we shall make haste and head towards them so that we can enter the Great Hall together as a family."

"Where's Lucy?"

"She was getting dressed up, she'll be with the girls once the soirée starts."

King Minhyuk, Queen Nayeon and Prince Steve got down from their extravagant carriage that took them to the Palace from the port. The citizens along the way were very glad to see him and it showed with their unbeatably loud cheers and ear-to-ear smile on their faces. They had just arrived in front of the ginormous door leading to the Great Hall and to say Steve is nervous wouldn't even be enough to call it as an understatement. With all the royalties from different parts of the world on the other side of the door, and him not being social and not wanting attention, those things clearly isn't helping with him attempting to get a strong grip of his sanity before he loses it.

And just when things seems like it couldn't be more shocking, his two brothers, Ben and Daniel were seen in a distance dashing towards them. Truthfully speaking, King Minhyuk and Queen Nayeon were already informed of their whereabouts upon docking at the port. Queen Nayeon couldn't help but be furious with Daniel as she had heard of the news of a peasant bearing his child, but she does not have anything against peasants as she is compassionate with them. Ben and Daniel stopped in front of them as they slightly bowed, panting heavily as they rested their hands on their knees.

"Why-How are you two here?" Steve queried, utterly puzzled. He assumed that they could be in Azalea yet he did not expect to meet them here together as the chances were next to nil.

"Answer his question." Daniel commanded Ben.

"But I'm still out of breath." Ben reasoned.

"The same goes for me!"

"Not my fault you proposed for us to sprint, now my ravishing outfit is soaked in sweat!" Ben hissed.

"This isn't the time, Steve. We'll tell you everything later." King Minhyuk reassured.

"You knew?!" Steve questioned loudly earning a nudge from his mother.

"Hush now, Steve. The door is opening." Queen Nayeon scolded.

And with that, he diverted his attention towards the ginormous door that made a sound as it was being unbolted. Their family is comprised of exceptionally tall men and at that, Steve is the tallest towering over the others but not a single part of his body was unfazed by the sheer size of the door. After all, Azalea is known for having the best facilities for soirées, balls and royal picnics as they greatly utilize their beautiful surroundings as well as paying close attention to the aesthetics of the venue. Both Ben and Daniel positioned themselves behind Steve in both sides as King Minhyuk and Queen Nayeon trailed behind their sons with intertwined arms.

"Please welcome, The Kim Family of Larkspur!"

The announcer that stood at the side has yelled his plead to welcome them and with that, Prince Steve took his first step forward followed by his family members. His face turned stoic in a snap as he shifted into his self that screamed power and authority in which he both possesses. It was like the hundreds of royalties that were present and were witnessing all of this unfolding were invisible in his vision, and that was because he laid his eyes on her, and her only. Her being that stood in a distance was enticing, like a magnet that lured the metal being of him, it was inevitable and they were bound to collide. He did not even bother to spare a glance at the crowd nor smile at them, which Ben and Daniel did in his place. She was the only person he can see, and the same goes for her.

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