The Truth Will Set You Free

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"My mom is trying to kill me and my siblings" Team slowly repeated his word so that Win could comprehend what he was saying

"Team" win's facial expressions fell and he sat on the bed

"My mom married my father first, she had Ram, then he found out she was cheating so he left her. Then after she married Del's father and got pregnant with Del

But after she became a burden and he left her. She then married Ae's father, but she didn't have Ae until she found out she was Pregnant with North, so she went back to Del's father

So Ae's father dropped her. She was still a burden to Del and North's father, but with the short time that she was with him, she had Mark. But before she had Mark, she had cheated on Del's father with Ae's father and had Ae

Del's father found out that she was planning on taking over his company, so he dumped her and he took Del, North and Mark with him, but then she went back to my father who at the time was heartbroken, so he took her in when she used her cunning ways to manipulate him and she had me said Team explained his mother messed up ways of how all of them was born at different times"

Ram is the first born, then Del, then North, then Ae, Mark and Team is the last born

Siro really manipulated three guys and she succeeded in sleeping her way to the top

Win was taken about with the revelations and was staring at Team blankly

"You are kidding, right?" Win couldn't believe that his mother did all that

"Nope, I am not. Del, North and Mark are all have the same parents, Ram and me have the same parents, and Ae is an only child"

Win was still confused on what to say

"Wait, you said she was trying to kill you, what do you mean by that?"

"When I was 10, someone tried to kill all of us, and Del who at the time was 14 found out that the same person who tried to kill us name was on our mother's phone" Team explained

"We tried to tell the police but they didn't listen to us, and I guess Siro listened to us because she deleted his phone number and she cut all ties that connected her to him and the weird thing was that one week before the killer's trial, he died in jail" Team remembered everything of that memory clearly

"So how are you not dead" asked Win

"My father took me and all my siblings to the playground so we could all play together and connect with one another, but then a man wearing a ski mask just pull out a gun and when my father saw that, he ran in front of us and got killed and Del yelled for all of us to run, which we did and we hid from the killer"

He didn't know what he expected to hear about Team's family secret, but damn, this was far from what he expected

Team felt relieved to had said everything. He worried that Win would think less of him, but the truth being free made him feel more alive

"Anything else?"

"Well, 3 years after my father's death, Ae's father died when he was going home, and his car got hit and he died, we don't think it was an accident"

"Then 4 years ago, Del's dad dies because of a hatch incident, but we couldn't catch the killer because he escaped"

As Team was saying this, he looked unfazed about everything. It was like death started to befriend him and he was done being scared

But the only thing that will faze him forever would be if Win decided to break up with him

"Team, I am so sorry"

Words that Team didn't think Win would say to him after he confessed his entire life story

"It's okay, you know, I have gotten use to fact that Siro is way smarter, and she might win in the end"

"No, she can't win, she will not"

Though Win was mad at Team, he didn't want anything to happen to him or his family

"I can find something to put that witch in jail"

Win held Team to comfort him. He had never knew that Team was suffering in the worst way imaginable, bet he knew he had to hold him forever

"Good, 'cause that's what we are trying to do"

"Del and Ram are trying to find something to put her in jail forever"

"We are also hoping to do it fast so that she doesn't do anything to your dad" said Team

"My father?" Win was questioning Team

"We think that she is killing all the guys that she has ever gotten married to and then she will kill those who she hired to kill our father"

Team noticed Win's distressed look. He worried the this will be the part that Win leaves him

Win's eyes showed his worries and confusion. He had already lost his mother, he can't also lose his father

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