Break or Make

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Ram's house

Ram and Del were calling the boards members as they were trying to find anything out that maybe Siro was doing illegal

Siro maybe smart, but everybody leaves trail of whatever nasty thing they are doing behind the door

Ram's house currently looked a mess. There were pictures & papers everywhere. It was apart of their investigation

"My half of the board members don't know any information other than what Siro tells them" Ram said

"You would think somebody would hate her enough to actually have found something to use against her " Ram was frustrated

"Wait, I think I got something" Del just gotten off the phone with Mr. Kar

"What is it" Ram asked

"Mr. Kar said that on July 28, 2017, she was going to Mexico, but she brought a plane tickets"


"Ram, why the fuck would she buy a plane ticket, if she uses the private plane?"

"Maybe the plane was out of gas or something" said Ram

"Ram, she doesn't do public plane or a crowded plane, so why go buy a ticket for a trip that you could literally just go to next week rather then do the things that you despise" Del was draw up some points

Del knows that her mother would chop her own foot than fly economy

"I will find out who was on the plane" said Ram

"Okay, I will find out what happened the next days of that day"

"Bye ,see you at school" said Ram as they were working on this at 6:30 am in the morning

"Bye" Del left Ram's house


Win has been avoiding the Team for at least one week now. He was tired of having to run from Team. he didn't do anything wrong, all he did was love his boyfriend and trusted him to be honest with him

'Was that too much to ask?'

Not to say that Win had trust issues, but he trust very hardly. He only trust his friends, father and his boyfriend, but now he doesn't know what to think. His father didn't tell him about this woman who is also Team's mother and Team didn't tell him about his true life

"You still mad?"

Win heard the voice, but ignored it. He continued to plastered his face to the book he was 'reading'. If he was to look up at the person, he didn't trust himself to bot do something irrational

"Talk to me"

Win heard the person begged with desperation in their voice

Knowing who it is, Win also knew if he was to hear another desperate cry from them, he would have to fold. But he didn't want that, he needed to be mad and allow himself space for some time

"Please, I need you"

Win looked up at the last desperate call and saw his boyfriend standing front of him on the verge of tears. His eyes were so red, but yet he was ready to cry again and again and again just because Win was talking to him

"You need me? Why? To help you will your problems?" Win asked with a annoyed voice

He was so angry at his boyfriend for all the lies, but yet he was more angry at him because it looked like he was taking care of himself, and he couldn't hold onto him at the moment

"Yes, please, listen to me" Team could barely make out his words

His voice was cracked up because of all the crying he had done and he was too scared to talk to Win

"WHY" Win yelled so loudly, forgetting that they were in the library

He looked around and apologized to everyone that was disturbed

He packed up his things and wanted to leave the library. "We have to stop the marriage" Team said

"You don't think I have tried? I have tried to reason with my dad, but he won't listen"

Win started walking out of the library, hoping to lose Team, but Team was right beside him, walking at he same pace

"What if I told you that I have a way" Team asked

"Team, don't waste my time, I have a class that I have to go to"

"No, you don't" Team was able to block Win's way, which made Win to stop walking. "This is a Wednesday, and you only have morning classes and you are free for the rest day"

Team learned Win's schedule within the first two days Win gave it to him. He learned it just in case anything were to happen

"Wow, if we weren't dating, I would have thought you were stalking me"

"Thank god that we are dating, right" Team said in way as if he was reassuring himself that Win still loves him

That means they were still boyfriends

Team smiled at little at this thought

Win looked at Team eyes and they looked dark and he looked like a zombie

'Was he losing sleep again' Win couldn't help but be worried about Team

"Can we go to your room" Team asked

"Sure" Win didn't even take a second to think of his answer

They arrived at Win's dorm and Team was relived to be back in this room with his boyfriend after a long time

"Okay, we are here- now spill"

Team was hesitant to say anything. He was sure Win would be scared of his family after what he would say, and he couldn't help but not want that

Win felt his hesitation and was starting to become impatient


Team flinched

"My mother killed my father and my sibling's father too and she is going kill your father and I think she is going to kill us" said Team as the words just dropped from his mouth before he could think about it

Well that is the truth, it doesn't get any more disgusting than that

Win looked taken aback

Was Team playing with him?

Is he lying again?

"What the fuck did you just say" Win was angry and confuse on what to believe

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