Chapter 23

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We ended up dropping Luciana and Hazel off at the Swills house before going to the club. I almost wished they were still with us to make dealing with Winona at least more entertaining but I stayed optimistic. 

While the men left to play some poker we started our own card game. It was a fairly quiet conversation at first. Rosemary had congratulated Gerty on her engagement and Gerty thanked her and joked about how who knew all the Swill girls would be seeing someone from the first infantry. Winona had a smug smile and piped up about Lydia's newest relationship calling Aiello a bed hopper. The accusation alone made my blood boil as I thought who the hell was she calling a bed hopper.

"What makes you say that?" Lydia asked, trying to hide the concern in her voice. Everyone had grown quiet in shock while I glared at Winona praying she'd burst into flames

"Well you know he comes from queens they aren't exactly known for their lovely dinner parties or strikingly posh neighborhoods, a man from his upbringing is more than likely lacking in morals" she explained matter of factly instantly pissing everyone off at the table 

"No offense Winona but you came from a strikingly posh lifestyle yourself and still laid down with a couple of men hell even a man engaged to who we all thought was your best friend" I bit back with fire in my eyes.

"Yet he and I are still together, and besides being best friends showed Claude he was too sophisticated to marry into a lower class, no offense Gerty. Any ways what I'm trying to say is just be careful Lydia I'm almost willing to guarantee that if you were to turn up pregnant he'd jump onto the earliest train home" she crowed

Lydia stared uncomfortably at the bar,  Gerty whispered to ignore her to Lydia to help lighten the mood, while Rosemary glared at her sister 

"What you and Claude have isn't love, I can guarantee that Winona" I growled. I was willing to bet if given another opportunity Claude would end up sleeping around again since he already had a record of doing so.

" oh and what you and that guy you were dancing with is love? Oh wait a second I'm sorry Miriam, isn't the man you love dead? Gone? Forever? never to see again? So now you're stuck filling the void with an almost love" she purred while sipping her champagne. Judy stared at Winona mentally slapping the daylights out of her. Winona noticed and gave her a wink

"You know with a bitchy demeanor Winona you'll end up losing everyone not just one friend" Gerty piped up annoyed 

"You were the only friend I was glad to lose" she retorted with a snort 

"How could you treat these women like that? they were your friends." Appalled Rosemary glared at her sister "maybe you've had enough to drink" she added 

"I'm not the sot who hits the sauce likes it a new found religion" she venomously stated smiling rudely at me

"No you're the Tw-" I began only to be interrupted my Lydia

"You know I think we could all use some fresh drinks Miriam, why don't you and I grab those for everyone?" Lydia offered, dragging me away to the kitchen. Once we were out of ear shot  she began lecturing me "don't get angry Miriam, Winona has always been an upper class brat." Lydia stated

"Oh it's fine she's a cat who'll always have her claws out! Definitely a spoiled child but child doesn't quite fit" I explained 

"How about a spoiled bitch?" Lydia  asked pushing the kitchen door 

"The bitchiest... I wouldn't give a shit about her opinion of Aiello, if he really were a bed hopper then he wouldn't still be by your side he would've ran at the first sign of trouble." I added as we walked over to the ice chest and counters

 "Winona is wrong about one thing." I paused for a minute to lean against the island counter while Lydia quickly popped a cap off two beers, handing one to me "I know I'll see Joseph again and I'm going to try to be happy until then. " I ended with a smile. Lydia smiled back at me and took a sip of her beer shifting her weight just an inch to lean on the counter behind her.
 went to sip my beer but there was no taste to it. I looked in front of me and blood was splattered over the counter and wall in front of me and all over Lydia as horror fell upon her face. 

"Miriam?" She slowly asked, looking down at the ground. I looked down and saw my body and blood there crumpled up onto the floor. As Lydia dropped what was left of her bottle and began screaming I still felt my heart race with fear. I took a few steps back processing what was happening realizing without warning I was now dead. I felt a familiar set of arms wrap around me and a heavenly voice tell me it was okay. I turned around and it was Joseph. "Joseph" I squeaked, returning the embrace only to let go when I heard Lydia scream no and a gunshot echoed from the office. We watched Aiello run to Lydia, carefully stepping over my body so he could console her then the once tormented Paul stumble out of the office and dispersing into the air around us. Sending a new fear over me.

"It's okay Miriam, he's just going to heaven." Joseph assured me. I heard Lydia sob our names as Aiello pulled her close. Gerty and Judy rushed into the kitchen but Zussman quickly walked her back out of the kitchen telling her what happened Stiles followed Judy to phone while Pierson covered my body with his jacket.

"I want to be upset, but I know you're finally with Turner again." He whispered to me. I slowly walked to him and kissed his cheek 

"Thank you for showing me how to live again" I whispered back to him. I could see his eyes tear up. I stood up and turned to look at Joseph. 

"If I would have known I would be seeing you so soon… I wouldn't have…" I started to apologize but Joseph grabbed my hand quieting my apology

"I never once wanted you to give up your life for me. After seeing you struggle for so long while I was gone… I'm glad you found someone like Pierson to help you." He explained kissing my forehead. I returned a kiss to him finally feeling fully home again in his arms. Everything around us faded away and next thing I knew we were in a field surrounded by both of our loved ones. At that moment I finally was meeting my parents and holding the precious child I never got to protect. Never having to worry about tomorrow ever again

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