chapter 6

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Chapter 6
July 25th 
It had been seven weeks since I saw Joseph, and right now we were fighting for our life in Marignay, we had set up a more permanent field hospital in a remaining home on the side of the little town, easier to pack up if we were to pull out of Marignay and easy to get aid to soldiers discreetly.

We had an upper hand to establish this much of Marignay but now we were getting hit hard by Germany as they were crawling like ants inching closer to the field hospital with every shot fired. We were running around preparing to flee with wounded soldiers. Everyone was terrified since it was close to dark and it seemed we were about to be taken over. 

"THE GERMANS RETREATED TO THE OTHER SIDE OF TOWN!" A soldier announced, as he burst through the door letting us all sigh in relief.

"Why did they retreat?" Lily questioned 

"Some crazy bastards from the first came rolling in with some jeeps and extra guns! They sent them packing back to their side of town that they have a hold on" he cheered

My heart raced as I wondered if Joseph was one of those crazy bastards. I had to force myself to keep working so I wouldn't run out there to find out if he was.

After the sun went down and we were all settling down for the night I was surprised to see Zussman quietly enter the field hospital looking for a nurse who was available 

"What do you need, Chicago?" I asked wondering why he wasn't still resting

"My scar burns I was wondering if you guys had anything to help with it" he sheepishly admitted

"Of course it burns, it takes more than few weeks to heal up from a stab wound like that and here you are running around probably tearing any healing you had, you know you're lucky you even held up today" I lectured while getting him some of Morris' fancy herb mixture she made for when she cut her hand with a scalpel. 

"Oh come on your a Chicago gal you know we face things head on," he claimed I rolled my eyes wanting to say something mean and snarky but realizing I didn't have that fire in me anymore

"I know a Chicago gal who'd prove you wrong" I mentioned, thinking of Gerty while opening the tin of homemade medicine "I'll only take a little Morris was lucky she even found the herbs needed to make this." I explained " sit down on an empty cot there and lift your shirt" I demanded as we waded through the rows of soldiers on cots and the few nurses working into the night to keep those men alive

"Don't have to tell me twice," he grinned. His response made me laugh as I thought about how Gerty would like him. 

"Careful there Zussman there's a rumor that McLaren here is spoken for" Herston piped up, with a wink. Morris was shocked gasping a what, When she heard Herston

"Really?" He teased me. "So who's the lucky guy?" he asked. I gave him a shy smile, carefully applying the homemade remedy.

"Well he's in the army" I answered "Herston here only knows who because she's nosy." I explained

"I'm actually appalled you would even try hiding it from me" she dramatically lectured 

"Here I finally find a Chicago gal and she's already taken" he chuckled 

"You know I have a friend in Chicago. The one I mentioned would prove you wrong. After this war. I'll definitely have to introduce you two. I think you'd both kick it off well" I admitted 

"Just give me her name and address I'll write to her so much that she'll swoon before I step foot in Chicago again" he stated, overly cocky

"Woah there, she's a tentative type, she doesn't fight for what she wants, but if you ask me if she'd quit hanging around her uppity friend she'd probably break free of that. But till then any moment of uncertainty and she's gone you should probably meet her first before trying to get those wedding bells chiming. Besides, you still need to survive a war. Your odds are good though taking on whatever hell you did today and your wound held up. I guess it's safe to say this won't kill you" I teased. Having him put his shirt back down he went to say something witty only to stop when Pierson came in. 

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