Chapter 9

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The next couple of days I avoided Joseph as much as I could since I had no idea what to even say to him, we had ran into each other at one point but when he saw my now vibrant bruise around my neck when Teagues tried to strangle me he left without a word. I knew we would need to talk soon since tomorrow he and his platoon would be leaving to take over the hotel.

 Morris and I were even tasked with loading a truck with medical provisions when we heard Joseph and Pierson bickering again, and yelling at anyone who noticed. 

"PIck up the pace we gotta hit CP by nightfall" Pierson shouted to Daniels and Zussman

"Nice to see they still have that gentlemen charm" Morris snarked.

"Everyone's feeling the strain is all just keep your head down and stay out of sight," I reminded her as I climbed onto the back of the truck. The moment I had a leg on the truck and the other off the ground I was disoriented and fell off the truck. 

"Careful, the short moments you had without oxygen must still be affecting you." Morris worried helping me up 

"I'm fine Morris my foot slipped that's all" I lied, as I angrily pulled myself back up with her help

"You should still be resting" she lectured 

"Dammit Morris I told you I'm fine, now come on we need to get this shit loaded up," I argued. Morris rolled her eyes at me and made a rattle noise to subtly call me a rattlesnake. We heard Joseph yelling across the way from us at some of his platoon to quit messing around, when he walked away he and I made eye contact. His eyes were hurt and tired.

"McLaren that's it you're not okay" Morris shouted angrily trying to hand me a crate.

"I'm fine I just need to keep moving I'm sorry" I apologized while grabbing the box telling myself it might be better to wait to talk to him. 

As evening rolled in everyone was more edgy than before. The second infantry joined us ready to head for cp. I ran into Micky again he gave me a big hug instantly noticing the new bruising that accessorized my neck

"Who the hell do I need to beat Mire?" He demanded.

"You don't, it's done and over with. It could have been much worse trust me" I answered "just don't tell Luciana please, she'll tell the family and her family and I just…" I started to beg but Micky raised a hand 

"I won't tell her shit, I promise" he answered crossing his heart I sighed in relief, 

"Thanks Micky," I whispered. "How is the family anyway?" I inquired 

"Not too bad Gert hasn't said much usually just talks about the club, Lydia and Judy always have run of the mill sentences in our letters, Luciana is always writing a whole page of useless information while ma keeps it simple she and Luce write something sweet together " he replied

"I bet she loves being a grandma" I stated

"Yeah she always wanted a big family, you know she's been asking if I had ran into you again. Now I can finally tell her yes so she can quit asking" he laughed. 

"I never asked you, but if you're here, who's running the club?" I inquired realizing I had even neglected to ask about how his business had been doing.

"Not Luciana that's for sure, Gert's been running the show, sounds like she's keeping it outta the red, we'll see when I get back though." He explained 

"I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Gerty is too self disciplined and headstrong for it to go under" I assured him. While Mickey nodded his head in agreement, Joseph and Pierson walked by. I held onto the conversation a little longer in an attempt to avoid Joseph as much as I could. Despite trying to be subtle I kept glancing at him though catching Mickey's attention.

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