It's a bit of a surprise.

Chen Rui begins to concentrate and continues to learn from Lin Yuan.

After learning this for half an hour, Chen Rui's eyes toward Lin Yuan have completely changed!

The trough!

Famous teacher!

Lin Yuan has taught him for half an hour so far.

After half an hour's study, Chen Rui only felt that his head was more and more clear. Lin Yuan could understand many things he didn't know before.

Did you become smart?

Am I really a genius?

No way. I don't have the talent to sketch.

Chen Rui gradually recognized himself: the reason why I seem to have become a little smart is because Lin Yuan taught me well. His teaching from the simple to the deep made me clear my thinking and let me really understand what sketch is!

At this moment, Chen Rui finally knew why the teacher suggested that he come to the painting club and spend money to teach with this great God!



I used to think that the 51 hour course was a little expensive.

Lin Yuan seems even younger than his age. Why is the charge so expensive?

But now Chen Rui is completely convinced. He even thinks that he has earned five hundred and one hours. Lin Yuan not only has a high level of sketching, but also has the ability to teach others how to draw!


Lin Yuan doesn't know Chen Rui's psychological activities. He has only one feeling at the moment:

the teacher's effect is so powerful!

Chen Rui doesn't look very smart when he draws a sketch.

Lin Yuan was ready to fight a tough battle, because this kind of student is the most difficult to teach.

As a result, Lin Yuan did not expect that the other party could make rapid progress in a short period of time.

I think he may not understand the theory, after speaking out, the other party actually most understand!

This is definitely the effect of teacher buff.

Lin Yuan has taught many students these days.

So he also knows how difficult it is to teach some students who have a poor sketch foundation.That's it.

After teaching for one hour and ten minutes, Lin Yuan stopped.

He said to Chen Rui, "that's it."

Chen Rui reluctantly stood up: "big God, can I continue to learn from you?"

"Make an appointment and line up," said Lin Yuan

Zhong Yu is responsible for the appointment.

It's Fair for Lin Yuan to teach anyone whose turn it is to make an appointment. Otherwise, a group of people will always scramble for teaching places.


Chen Rui immediately made an appointment with Zhong Yu.

This kind of appointment teaching course, an hour to start, specific teaching a few hours, see Lin Yuan's time.

"Let's call it a day."

Lin Yuan has a general understanding of the effect of "teacher".

According to the system, the more students you teach in the future, the more effective the teacher will be.

Sooner or later, no matter how stupid a student is, he will become a genius in Lin Yuan's hands!

"It seems that prices will have to rise in the future."

The teacher's effect is really great.

However, Lin Yuan hesitated, because if prices continue to rise, many students may not be able to afford their own classes.

The living expenses of college students are only three or two thousand yuan a month.

Lin Yuan has no talent for unscrupulous merchants, so he has a little bit of impatience to continue to raise prices.

"Forget it, for the time being."

Lin yuanqiang resisted the impulse to increase the price, and in the following days, he continued to charge for teaching at the price of 51 hours.

However, the teacher's effect is very good.

The students who followed Lin Yuan to learn painting didn't realize that they were influenced by Lin Yuan's blessing. After Lin Yuan's class, they had only two feelings in their hearts:

the first feeling was that I knew how to sketch?

The second feeling is that Lin Yuan is really good at teaching!

The second feeling often covers the first feeling, because they will also take courses from professional teachers.

After Lin Yuan's training, many students with poor sketching skills have changed completely, even the teachers are confused!

Some of these students are stubborn stones that the teacher thinks are hopeless, and even let Lin Yuan turn stone into gold.

This makes Lin Yuan's reputation ferment wildly.

After all, the changes of these people are real, so the name of Lin Yuan, the great God of sketch, is becoming more and more loud.

Along with the application of the painting society, it has become more and more.

Since becoming the vice president of the painting society, Zheng Liang seriously considered whether he wanted to add some restrictions on application for the first time -

in the past, he never thought that the painting society would be so popular one day!

Now there are more than 300 members of the painting society.

It's all thanks to Lin Yuan!

If it goes on like this, all the students who want to improve the level of sketch in the art department will come to the painting club to report!

"It's amazing

With more and more students trained by Lin Yuan, now Lin Yuan, in the painting society, is a big man's treatment!

Eat, drink, use

Lin Yuan raised his eyelid, and someone sent it to him.

Most of them are members he taught, and the number is increasing.

From the perspective of treatment, Lin Yuan has more cards than his vice president.

At this time, it is the end of the month.

Lin Yuan's "the death of a little civil servant" in the name of Chu maniac will finally be published in the tribal literature section.

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