Chapter XXIII: An Unexpected Secret

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I watched with growing curiosity as Dabi didn't answer my question, instead throwing a new question back at me.

"Tell me princess, what makes being a Commission Kid a good characteristic? Trustworthy? Loyal? Honest? Commission Kids are nothing more than obedient dogs for that bitch. Killers in disguise as heros. If anything, Commission Kids should be considered a threat, especially if their loyalty is uncertain."

Silence spread between us at his words, my mind doing loops as I tried to decipher the look behind Dabi's eyes.

"You talk-- as if you know what it's like to be a Commission Kid. As if you've lived your life being tortured day in and day out, trapped in a small box when she didn't need our quirks to be useful. How the hell do you know what it feels like huh? What makes you think you know what a Commission Kid is-- how Hawks and I feel? What gives you the fucking right?"

Spreading his arms wide, Dabi gestured to his own figure, my eyes narrowing in confusion as I tried my best to decipher his actions.

"What do you think gives me the right? Well, princess?" 

The seconds of silence that passed felt like an eternity as my mind went into overdrive, connecting the dots much to my disbelief. Dabi stared at me through my silence, cerulean eyes watching my every expression as he waited for me to break the silence.

"Wait... were you really a--"

"Dabi, Yui, watch out!!!"

Before the words could leave my mouth I felt my body move backwards against my will, Twice's arms caging me from harm as he landed on top of me or to be more exact one of his clones. I watched from my peripheral as another one of Twice's clones protected Dabi, branches and trees flying everywhere as Gigantomachia entered our line of sight.

How did I not hear him coming sooner?

Well, maybe because of the giant bomb of information Dabi just decided to drop right now-- though of course always at the most inconvenient moment since it looks like we'll have to save this conversation for another day. 

"I'm glad you guys are back so soon! Yui, while Shigaraki might not want healing, we could use you! This shit sucks!"

"Yay it's Yui! Could you help me? That giant is even more bloodthirsty than me."

Soon after Twice's clones came the rest of the League, Toga's arm a bloody mess as she tried to stop the bleeding with her hand.

Glancing over to Dabi I could see his silent frame looking at me, ignoring whatever Twice's clone was saying from on top of him. 

This conversation was far from over, but for now I had to ignore the look in Dabi's eyes, directing my attention to my hurt comrade. 

While my friends were fighting for their lives, I was acting like a damn whore-- I need to get my priorities straight.

"Come on Toga, let me patch you up. Let's go over here."

Ignoring the cerulean gaze that was burning into my backside, I moved with Toga behind a tree for cover, placing my hands on the nasty gash on her right arm. Closing my eyes, I grit my teeth through the pain as I saw flashes of Toga's memory enter my mind, Gigantomachia throwing her body harshly to the side, causing her to land on a patch of sharp rocks, her arm getting torn open in the process.

Taking gauze from my pocket I quickly wrapped my wound tight, ignoring the pain that surged through my body as I pulled the gauze tight enough to stop it from bleeding.

"There, all better. Is anyone else hurt Toga?"

Looking at me with a smile Toga gestured over to Spinner, his left leg cut open with a nasty gash. Nodding my head I ran over to Spinner to heal his wounds, the whole time feeling Dabi's eyes watching me silently as he leaned against a tree through the chaos, not seeming to mind the debris that was flying around him as Shigaraki continued to fight Gigantomachia. 

"Thanks Yui, think you could help us out here? The doctor said that Gigantomachia will need to rest approximately every two days and that he's almost been up for 48 hours already. We just gotta last a few more minutes till we can get some rest."

Distracted in my thoughts, I didn't even realize I had already healed Spinner's wound, my leg dripping blood from the fresh cut with memories of how he received his wound already fading from my mind.

Quickly wrapping up the new wound on my leg, I stood up and nodded towards Spinner. 

"Of course. Get on his right side, I'll take the left. Aim for behind his kneecaps, think you can do that?"

Nodding in determination Spinner drew his weapons, his eyes already locked on his new target.

"Of course I can. Let's do this Yui!"

Ignoring the pain from my new wounds, I dashed towards Gigantomachia, quickly ducking under his feet as Shigaraki distracted him from above. From behind him, I could see the slightly softer skin behind his knee, charging towards it with as much speed as I could muster.

"Spinner, now!"

Using my speed I propelled myself up Gigantomachia's leg, barely getting high enough to reach the back of his knee and slice both of my daggers across.

At Spinner's simultaneous action, Gigantomachia cried out in pain, falling to both of his knees. 

Spinner grinned at me from his spot, pumping his fist in the air in victory.

"I can't believe that actually worke--"

Spinner's cheer of victory was cut short as Gigantomachia suddenly turned around, using his massive arms to thrash towards us both, knocking our bodies to the side and into the woods like we were nothing more than ragdolls.

Flying through the air I relaxed my body like a ragdoll in order to minimize the damage, realizing I was flying through the air too fast to be able to catch myself. 

That was until I felt my body crash into another one, soft flesh breaking my fall just enough to prevent any bones from breaking. 

"Fuck you're heavy. Get off of me already."

Still shocked as to what just happened, I jumped due to the sudden voice beneath me, cerulean eyes staring up at me in annoyance as I quickly stood up.

"Dabi, when did you--"

"You're welcome for saving you idiot. Next time you attack a giant, don't just stand there in victory like a dumbass afterwards. Like it would be that easy to take that beast down. Spinner is lucky Twice was able to get to him in time."

At Dabi's words I looked across the forest through the chaos of Shigaraki and Gigantomachia's fight, Spinner giving me a weak thumbs up as Twice helped him back to standing.

"As if her favorite trick would work on this giant. I knew you weren't the brightest, but I didn't think you were this stupid."

I looked back towards Dabi dumbfounded at his mention of the Commission President, mouth gaping open with words that wanted to come out, but never came.

"Damn if I knew revealing this secret would've shut you up like this maybe I would've told you sooner."

Not knowing what to say I silently watched as Dabi shoved me behind him, his arms lighting up with blue fire as he looked over his shoulder towards me. 

"I can smell the smoke from your overthinking from here. Wanna know more about my shitty life? Survive this first. Then maybe if you're lucky I'll answer some of your stupid questions-- about my life as a Commission Kid reject."

I watched in dumbfounded silence as Dabi went on the offensive, leaving me and my confused thoughts in the dust at what he just confirmed. 

Shaking the debris from off my body and ignoring my muscles that screamed in pain from the rough impact, I pushed myself forward, following the blue flames as I made my way to attack Gigantomachia again.

Survive? I'll do more than just that.

If it means learning more about Dabi's past-- or whoever he once was... an ex Commission Kid?

I'll fight until my very last breath. 

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