Chapter 7

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Sharon didn't wait for Joe to answer the door and instead walked in holding a gun.  Sharon walked into the house and found Joe at the kitchen table feeding little Jessica.

"Hand over Jessica, Joe!" Sharon demanded, holding the gun straight at Joe.

"Sharon, what are you doing?!" Joe replied back.

"Getting reassurance that I will get Nick back!" Sharon raged at Joe.  "Now hand me Jessica, before I shoot you!"

"You're bluffing!  You wouldn't shoot me!" Joe taunted her.

Sharon fired a shot and hit the window behind Joe.

"Does that look like I'm bluffing!" Sharon yelled.  "Now hand me the girl!"

Joe did as Sharon asked and handed over Jessica.  

"Back away!" Sharon ordered.  "Back away and go sit in the chair!"

Joe backed away and sat back down in the chair he was sitting in.  Sharon grabbed some rope and tied Joe in the chair tightly so he couldn't escape.

When Sharon was convinced that Joe was securely tied in place, she took a crying Jessica's hand and led her out of the house.

When Sharon got to O'Hare Airport, Sharon comforted a crying Jessica with some goldfish crackers, who smiled and accepted them.  Then she boarded the flight back to Genoa City.

Meanwhile, back at the fake address Sharon gave Nick and Avery:

"I'm sorry we didn't find Joe or Jessica." Nick said, comforting a distraught Avery.

"I don't understand what happened?" Avery said, crying on Nick's shoulder.  "You had a lead to Joe and our daughter."

"We must have been tricked somehow." Nick said, trying to reassure Avery.  "I promise we will find our daughter."

As Avery clung to Nick, Avery wasn't so sure.  After not finding Joe or Jessica, Nick and Avery headed back to Genoa City.

Love and War:  A Nick and Avery RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now