You just threw up 3 times you're not fine!-(Nick)

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Nick pov  

It was currently lunch time and i was trying my hardest not to puke at even the sight or smell of food. you see i had woken up this morning feeling really ill but i had a huge test today so i had to come to school my only problem was charlie if he found out i was ill he would send me straight home to rest. but i needed to do this test it counted for 25% of my final grade. The test was next lesson and i had hidden it for so long that right now i just wanted to cry and be in bed cuddling with charlie. I went and sat with charlie and his friends for lunch but i didn't eat much i got food to not look sick but there was no way i'd be able to eat it.

Charlies pov 

Nick had just sat down with us for lunch and i could instantly tell something was wrong because he was barely eating and nick usually finishes his food before any of us  "you okay?" i ask. "yeh i'm fine don't worry about it." he replied. but i wasn't buying it something was definitely wrong but i pushed it aside knowing that he'll tell me when hes ready. I was lost in thought when i saw that nick had left the table. "where'd he go?" i questioned my friends hoping they were paying attention. "That way" Tao replied. as soon as i knew which way to go i rushed to find my boyfriend. I checked in every classroom and even the library and rugby pitch but i couldn't find him any where i brushed it off knowing i'd see him in form anyway and made my way there. 

Nicks pov 

Charlie had just spaced out so i used the opportunity to get away from the table as i now felt really ill i had no idea how i was gonna make it through form my last lesson and rugby. i went into the bathroom and just sat there for a while until the nausea died down or at least that was what i was hoping to do. i heard the lunch bell and made my way to form i had just sat down when i saw charlie appear at the door looking relieved to see me. he ran over to our seats  "omg ate you ok where did you go?" He asked frantically. "I'm fine I just came here coz I wanted to be the first in form." I say.

Charlie's pov

we had just finished form and I wished nick luck on his test that he has next lesson before heading to maths. It was about halfway through the lesson when I needed the toilet I asked sir to be excused Wich he allowed I then went to the bathroom but when I opened the door I could hear someone else in there and they sounded like they were throwing up "Hello r u ok in there?" I asked knocking on the stall door "ch...char"
I heard a Shakey voice of which I quickly recognized as nicks. I heard the lock click I ran into the stall and comforted him until he was finished throwing up. "Nick you ok?" I asked  "yeh I'm fine I got to go Finish my test and rugby practice" "No Nickolas Nelson you just threw up three times you're not ok and we're going home now I'll get ur stuff!" I said sternly.

A/N nick felt better after 3 days  after some tlc from Charlie

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