The Butler: Chapter 2: Greenhouse

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The Butler: Chapter 2: Greenhouse
August 2021

Lady Pendragon

Over the years in Hell, Lady Pendragon or Ellie by her close friends had become well known in the status of nobility and social ladders. However, she did manage to keep her location a secret from her son.

Keeping an eye on him from afar she had her previous butler spy on the blimp airship that flew around the city. Ellie knew her son's work all too well, her son was none other than Sir Pentious.

Since she finally made contact with him last year it had been wonderful and also very strange. Sir Pentious was her doting boy but he was more experienced with things and she had yet to discover the horrors he had committed to getting up down here.

Laying in bed the snake demon lady was pondering these thoughts and her son had something important to tell her? What could it be? A girlfriend? A new invention? No matter what it was or could be, she loved him all the same. Risking her marriage, and livelihood and almost dying when she gave birth to him, Sir Pentious or...Arthur was everything to her.

There was a knock at the door and Ellie arose from her slumber stretching as her maids came in, opening the drapes and letting in the fresh air.
She stretched and let her maids plump her pillows so she could sit up for breakfast and the well kept Gerald walked in all proper with the breakfast tray.
Bowing perfectly he then approached to set up the tray, she greeted him with, "Morning Gerald dear. Oh, Sven has once again amazed us with his cooking. What are the plans for today?"


After a productive morning sparing her signature on the paperwork of the estate. From the bills to the staff's wages and even correspondence to balls and dinners to attend over the next month.

Making her way to the sunroom the Lady made her way to her meeting with Gerald. Arriving in the sunroom she could see a plethora of floral specimens to choose from.
However, there was something off? Something bitter as she entered the room.
Upon entering an eager Cedric raced up to her desperate for attention.
"M-My Ladyship! I have gathered the best flowers from the greenhouse for you to choose from." He was out of breath and had bowed his head hastily.
This behaviour made Ellie scowl her face and was more puzzled than anything.
"Where is Gerald? I asked Gerald to meet me here, Cedric. You are to be doing the tasks Gerald has assigned you to do. You are chief of staff but Gerald is your superior....remember that." She glared with a bit of venom in her gaze. "Where is Gerald?"

Greenhouse 20 mins beforeGerald

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20 mins before

"Why must the Ladyship choose you?" Cedric spoke riddled with jealousy to Gerald as he readied the last of the trolleys of flowers.
"Cedric, I have told you countless times over the last year. It is not up to you or me to be butting heads over who is the favourite, because there is none!" Gerald was with the man for most of the morning and his childish mannerisms were finally getting under his skin. Raising his voice sternly he slammed the small trowel on the gardening bench.
"You need to grow up and stop this pettiness, Cedric! I did nothing but my job and I am sorry if I tarnished your prospects for a promotion but Lady Pendragon must've thought not ready!" He pointed up to the taller spider and then he had enough of it all morning.

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