Chapter 17- American Hustle Life: Unapologetic

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I nod, thank her, and bow.

"As a group, since you are similar in what needs to be worked on, you might have more trouble than the other teams. But if you truly work as a team, I think you guys could do something really cool. V just needs to help Y/N with her confidence, and you two just focus on controlling your bodies together," she finishes her instructions smiling at us.


We were back in the residence for the afternoon. We were doing individual interviews and working on some new songs for the rest of the day.

"She's made some interesting teams," Seokjin comments while eating his ramen.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see what Y/N and Tae come up with," Jimin says.

"So am I," I chuckle, "I have no clue what we're going to do".

"You'll figure it out, don't worry," Jimin says patting me on the back.

"At least you're not stuck with Rap Monster," Jimin chuckles.

"Hey! I can hear you!" Namjoon shouts from the living area.

I laugh and look over to the living room. I see Namjoon scrolling through his phone on the couch next to Hoseok. Taehyung was trying to do a skateboarding flip, and failing every time. Jungkook was with him, encouraging him to keep trying. I still had Tae's words stuck in my mind, "society needs crazy people to tell them how to be normal".

I don't think he meant for me to think so much into it, but I couldn't help it.

"Y/N, can you come here please," I hear a writer shout.

I put my fork that I was using to steal some of Jimin's ramen down and walk over to the couch. The writer tells me to sit on the stool in front of the camera.

"Ok, this will go like the other interviews," she informs me.

I nod.

"Ok, so how was your experience with Coolio?" she starts.

"It was really nice. I learned a lot, not only about rapping or hip-hop but about the performance and confidence that comes along with it. I truly respect him and enjoyed his coaching," I answer.

"Why do you think your team wasn't able to win the cooking competition?" she asks.

I think back to Dante and his amazingly disrespectful behaviour. I take a deep breath, calming myself, before answering.

"Um, I think we just had too many ideas and didn't come to a definitive decision early enough. We're all creative people and obviously want our ideas to be heard so sometimes it can get a little hard to narrow down," I say, trying to forget about the Dante debacle and honestly just unsure if I should talk about it. So, I came up with a very broad answer about our issues.

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