Chapter 1 - Pilot 1/2

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I look around, seeing green land and blue skies. The air is so crisp and fresh, a cool breeze moves my hair. I laugh as I see the Earth, it's so beautiful...

I open my eyes. Gray cement walls surround me. I sigh as I sit up from my "bed." I'll never get the chance to actually see the Earth for myself, not with how little time I have left. Everyone in our prison, or the Sky Box, is under the age of 18. Some were arrested for petty crimes, others more serious. The Ark, our space station, has very strict rules because of how limited we are. Around 100 years ago, the Earth experienced a nuclear apocalypse and we were moved into space with only so many resources. I get up from my bed, the guards will allow us to be released from our cells soon and I'll be able to meet up with Octavia. The second I get up the doors open and prison guards quickly enter the room.

"Hands against the wall, prisoner 256." one of the guards says as he crosses the room.

I do as I'm told, I'm confused but what will my fighting do to help me. The guards open a box, a clunky wristband is inside. The guards place the device on my wrist, tons of small needles prick into my skin. I quietly hiss as they close the latch.

"Follow us," the other guard says, pushing me in the process.

I reluctantly follow, "Don't worry boys. I'm not going to fight it."

I have learned from experience the guards don't care about how they treat us, we're criminals to the rest of the Ark. They continue to push me along, clearly I'm too slow for their pace. I don't know where I'm going or what's happening. As I look across the Sky Box, I see everyone else getting escorted as well, some fighting back, others accepting it.

I look down a level and see a girl, blonde hair, fighting back. She seems to be talking to someone and they shoot her with a dart. She falls asleep. The guards continue to push me along with the others.


Soon enough, all the 100 prisoners of the Sky Box are loaded onto a dropship, everyone is gossiping about what is happening. I recognize everyone around me, not by names, but mostly by crimes. Two boys strapped onto the walls were arrested for doing drugs. Someone else across the room was arrested for stealing. I notice seated across from me, the blondie from before and Wells Jaha, the Chancellor's son.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, giving extra harshness in my tone. "Father finally get tired of you?"

People around me laugh.

"It's none of your business." Wells spits back.

"Hey man, no need to get all cocky. I get you're privileged but that doesn't mean you get to talk smack to us. You're outnumbered Wells."

As I say that, we take off.

I hear murmurs through the crowd; "Where are we headed?" "To Earth?" "Are they trying to kill us?"

I notice Blondie starts to wake up, she fearfully looks around and notices Wells.

"Wells, what the hell are you doing here?" Blondie asks.

It took me a while but I finally recognized Blondie. Clarke Griffin, another privileged person. The person who was comforting her before she got a dart to the back was her mom.

The screens lined across the ship flash on, showing the Chancellor, Jaha. Boos echo throughout the drop ship. I roll my eyes.

I ignore the message as Clarke and Wells closely listen. I look around the dropship and spot her. One of my only friends, Octavia, she was arrested for being born. Since supplies will always be limited on the Ark, we're only allowed one kid. Octavia's mother had Bellamy Blake and then had Octavia a few years later. Octavia spots me across the room and smiles, I smile back.

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