I hadn't told him much about my past relationship. Well, I hadn't told him much about my past at all. But he knew me as much as I knew him. Or at least I thought I knew him. I knew his favorite book was "Any Human Heart." His favorite drink was "Jameson on the rocks." But his favorite tea was "Earl Grey." His favorite colors were red and blue. And he loves superhero movies. 

But that was the bare minimum. I didn't know about his secret marriage. I know barely anything about his family. Just that he has one obviously. I had let myself be blinded by his affection and frankly his dick. His sweet words as we made out in his office. Even saving me in the rain. Everything I thought I knew...I didn't. 

"Hey!" I heard a honking noise behind me as I looked back. 


He pulled up beside me, making me realize I had been walking for almost fifteen minutes. "Hey," I mumbled, softly stepping toward his car, but not too much. 

"I thought I dropped you off?" Chris smirked, tilting his head. I nodded, trying to hide the crack in my voice from crying. "You did, I just...had to leave early."

He squinted his eyes, looking like he didn't believe me. "Is that really what happened." And he didn't. 

I bobbed my head, "Yep. So I'll see you-"

"At least let me take you back to your dorm."

I tried to shake my head but was startled when he opened the door and exited his car. "Chris you don't have to-"

"I'd feel bad If I left you here to walk all by yourself." He opened the passenger side, nudging me in slightly. I pushed all the haunting memories from him to the back of my mind. He's only giving me a ride. That's all. It repeated in my head like a chant. Almost making me believe it. 

"Okay." I bent my knees, sliding into the sports car and letting him shut the door. Pulling on my seatbelt, I made sure to keep my legs facing right, not letting him have an advantage. 

"So, your dorm?" He questioned, I nodded. "I need to get back and study."

"Okay." Chris let out a laugh, making me want to question why but I kept my mouth shut. 


Ten minutes later we were pulling up to the dorm parking lot. The sun had set and I knew Flo and Lizzie were probably watching a movie in the lounge. I needed my girls right about now. 

"So.." Chris looked over at me, shifting the car into park and letting his foot up off the brake. "What happened with that guy?"

I shrugged, "I told you. I had to get home and study-"

"No," He shook his head, "Don't give me a bullshit answer." My head snapped over at his, slightly more confident about standing up for myself than I was only two years ago. "What?"

Chris leaned over, lifting his hand to cup my face. "I can still tell when your lying, babygirl." I internally cringed but kept it that way knowing I didn't wanna piss him off. However the closer he got and the gentler his palm was, the more I sunk into his embrace. 

Shit, I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't. It's not smart. 

But there I went, falling into his arms like not a day had passed since we broke up. He tightened his arms around my shoulders as I grasped onto his shirt. Mumbling out incoherent cries, he shushed me. However the sound wasn't comforting, not even the stenchy cologne he wore was. I just needed someone right at that moment, and he was the closest one. 

"It's okay, baby." Chris lifted my head, "I'm here now, okay?" I nodded aimlessly, surprised when his lips pressed onto mine. I stilled, not knowing what to do. This was the man that manipulated me. Caused purple and blue bruises to cover my skin. How could I be falling into his trap again? 

But the more he worked his lips, the fewer thoughts flowed through my brain. This was someone who cared about me. knew me. Wouldn't cheat on me. So without regret, I kissed him back. Running my hands up and through his fluffy hair, I went to straddle his lap. 

Chris moaned, pulling back and looking up at me. "I missed you baby."

I gulped, "Missed you too."


A/N: I hope you guys don't hate me too much for that little angsty plot. I promise it'll get better! I literally cannot write a sad ending. It just hurts too much. 

Also, I am so so sorry for the long update time! I am graduating this month and am moving an hour and a half away. So between packing, finals, editing, and povs, things get pushed back a little. 

But thank you for reading!! Don't forget to leave comments and vote!!

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