Chapter 20 - Karma

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As each side presented its case in the murder trial, I was subjected to two different stories. The prosecution made it sound like murder. John had a history of domestic violence with his wife. The defense, on the other hand, made it sound like suicide. Peter had swallowed bleach in an earlier suicide attempt, so he had a history of unstable mental health. Unfortunately, the evidence that both sides presented was circumstantial at best. Discerning the truth from two completely different perspectives was nearly impossible, leaving me disconcerted and exhausted as a juror.

Alan was insistent throughout the case that it was a murder, not a suicide. He wanted me to know the truth, so one day he brought Peter to me so that he could tell me himself. As Peter stood before me in my mind's eye, he looked how he had appeared in life: tall and thin with wavy blond hair. I told him I was deeply sorry about what had happened. He begged me to believe him. I told him I did, but I was bound by the law and had to base my decision on the evidence that was presented.

Several times over the following week, I took out my pendulum and asked Spirit if the case was a murder or suicide. Every time, the crystal swung sideways, or no, for suicide and clockwise, or yes, for murder. I asked in different ways using different words and got the same answers. But even though I was satisfied that what Alan and Peter had told me was true, I couldn't act on it.

One Sunday morning about a week into the trial, I was texting with my friend Jennifer, who is a Reiki Master. Jennifer does spiritual work for a living and channels messages from a spirit guide.

During our conversation, Jennifer mentioned that she'd had to clear an uninvited spirit from her house that morning. She hadn't seen what the spirit looked like, but it smelled like bleach. All I could do was stare at the texts in horror. I had told Jennifer the week before that I'd been selected for a jury but hadn't discussed any details of the case. She knew nothing of the decedent's suicide attempt.

Peter had made it clear that he desperately wanted others to know that John had killed him. He knew I wasn't going to do anything about it, so he attempted to contact another person who could talk to spirits. At that point, I asked Alan to tell Peter to stop bothering my friends. Visiting me was all right, but no matter what, we were all bound by the rules of the justice system.

Then Alan asked me to do some spiritual healing work with Peter. He was still energetically tied to John even though his life was over. Alan explained that they'd known each other in previous lifetimes. Two past lives they'd spent together in ancient Rome had created negative karma between them. As ruthless brothers in the first lifetime, they frequently lied and cheated each other out of money. In the second one, they were crooked magistrates who got caught raising capital for Rome through money laundering.

Alan said that these two souls would continue to reincarnate together in painful relationships until the energetic tie between them was cut and their karma resolved. I understood that death in and of itself wasn't enough to heal some issues, especially deep-rooted ones. The karma between John and Peter likely would have healed naturally through the course of reincarnation, as this is one reason souls reincarnate. However, multiple lifetimes probably would have been required. Alan knew I was trained in techniques that would heal it now. I was happy to help these souls so that they could both move on in peace.

So that afternoon, I sat comfortably on the futon in my meditation room, closed my eyes, and worked with Spirit for a half hour. After performing the energetic cut and karma clearing on Peter, I was satisfied that these two souls were now free and would no longer reincarnate together.

Karma is a big subject that has been discussed many ways in secular and religious spheres. Since it isn't an easy topic to understand, I asked Alan to explain karma in his own words.

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt