Chapter 12 - Reiki Exchanges

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Now that I had hundreds of Alan's photos on my phone, I didn't want to lose them. So I archived them on a flash drive for safekeeping.

One day when I connected the drive to my computer at work, I was inspired to set a picture of Alan on my desktop background. After taking the time and trouble to save so many images, I wanted to enjoy them. Without much thought, I selected a professional headshot of a middle-aged Alan in a black pinstripe suit.

After admiring the picture for a few minutes, an energy headache hit me between my eyebrows. I lightly pressed the spot with two fingers to alleviate the pain, but it had no effect. I'd previously kept photos from my Zion hikes in rotation on my desktop, so I changed the background back. The headache promptly went away. When I set another photo of Alan on my desktop, the headache returned.

I hadn't experienced anything like that before with either a physical person or a spirit. "What's going on, Alan?" I asked telepathically.

"Our bond is causing your third eye chakra to expand," he answered. "It's a temporary energy shift. Be patient. The discomfort will pass eventually."

While Alan's words were comforting, the headaches eventually came on even when I was away from my computer and wasn't looking at the actor's pictures. Some days were worse than others. Hiding what was happening was difficult. I had told no one about Alan. I hadn't even mentioned in passing that I'd made contact with his spirit the day he died. As far as I was concerned, it was no one's business, and I wasn't sure anyone would believe me.

Some days the headache was so miserable that I didn't feel like myself at all. I would become disoriented with general malaise, not unlike the "ogre" feeling in the past.

To help myself stay grounded one day, I kept a conversation going all afternoon with Alan and asked him to check my seven main chakras and make sure they were all open. My mind's eye saw him standing next to me as an older man in a dark suit. One hand was closed, as if he were concealing something. Slowly he uncurled his fingers and revealed an amethyst pendulum in his palm. It looked exactly like the one I was using.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"I made it," Alan said.


"I used my intention."

"Did you use some kind of material?"

"No. I used my mind to make it."

"What do you mean? Do you mean consciousness?"

"That's exactly what I mean. I am in consciousness, and I use consciousness to create what I want. I think it, and I create it. I wanted a tool like yours."

"Can you use your pendulum to check my chakras?" I asked him.

I watched as Alan held out his pendulum in front of each of my seven chakras. It spun clockwise for all except one. It swung sideways over the third eye.

"Your third eye is blocked," he said.

He didn't have to tell me, since I could see his pendulum myself. I wanted to see if I would get the same reading. So I took my pendulum out of my purse and held it out in front of each of my chakras, one by one. Sure enough, they were all open except for the third eye.

"Can you open my third eye?" I asked.

"Yes. Give me a moment."

Then Alan held his hand a few inches in front of my forehead. After a moment, my head cleared. The confusion and malaise were completely gone.

"Check it now, Sonya."

I held my pendulum in front of my third eye. It swung clockwise. Alan had opened my third eye! Alan had healed me!

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat