chapter 15

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"What got you smiling like that, hm?"

"Nothing." I quickly turned off my phone, giving my dad a playful smile.

"Doesn't look like nothing. I think it's something. Or someone." He wiggled his brows playfully and I rolled my eyes in a joking manner.

"I'm just texting Diana. We're gonna get coffee together later today." Since the day I'd met the brunette on set, we hadn't stopped texting. We found out both of us were very busy, her with her acting stuff and me with promoting my new single and everything. We hadn't had the time to hang out, but on Thursday we finally found loopholes in our schedules and had set a meeting.

We'd clicked so well it was crazy. She could make me forget the world just with texts. I wasn't used to that, that last time I'd felt like that was when I'd first met Kendall, it felt good to finally feel that again, even though it wasn't nearly as intense.

I caught myself comparing the actress to the model all the time, and it was something I really wanted to stop doing. What was the use? Plus it wasn't fair to judge my connection to Diana in a week, when I'd known Kendall for years.

"You really liked each other, didn't you?" He smiled.

"Yeah, she's like the sweetest ever, and so funny too." I bit my cheek to contain a smile.

"I knew you guys would hit it off instantly. When I met her on set I immediately thought you'd be great friends." I nodded with a smile and turned my phone back on. "Excited for Jimmy Fallon tomorrow? Your big comeback." He made a funny gesture with his hands which made me laugh through my nervousness.

"So excited. I haven't performed since the Grammy's." I bit my cheek remembered the night I ruined my relationship. "And the fact that no one has heard this song yet is so nerve wrecking."

"The song is absolutely amazing, no need to be nervous at all, I assure you there's no reason to."

"You said the same thing about the Grammy's." I laughed nervously.

"And you did great, didn't you?"

"I guess so." I pondered mindlessly for a moment. "I'll get going, then." I got up and he did the same.

"Call your mom later, hm?" He hugged me. "She's been missing you and I'm sure she wants to talk to you before your performance."

"I will, dad." I sighed. "I love you."

"Love you too, kid. I'll see you soon"

• • • •

I parked my car in the busy LA avenue and took my phone out, to see if I had any messages from Diana. She had texted me that she had already arrived and had gotten great outside tables for us. I took a deep breath and put up my sunglasses.

I quickly saw the girl sitting in the cute restaurant she'd suggested we went to. I instantly smiled at the actress. She had her hair tied up cutely and sunglasses to her head. She seemed to be entertained by looking at her nails and had a cute frown on her face.

"Hey." I softly approached her table and she grinned when she saw me.

"Hey!" She greeted me excitedly and got up to hug me. "You look beautiful." I smiled and we sat down.

"I mean, look at you. You're like, straight out of a novel type of beautiful." I smiled when the girl blushed and thanked me shyly.

"Such a charmer." She said playfully and I laughed.

"Have you ordered?" I picked up the menu and scanned the impossibly small letters.

"No, I was waiting for you. I have a bunch of suggestions though."

lover's rock. (kendall jenner/you)Where stories live. Discover now