Her cheeks flamed a dark tinge of pink, remembering quite vividly the moans that had reverberated in her room - a floor down from the master bedroom - and what reason there must have been for such voices.

"I know."


Her flush increased twofold for what she was about to ask, "Is this, you know, uh, a common occurrence…?"

Gaara rose an eyebrow, bemused, and started gathering the kettle to make some coffee. He nodded, "Yes. Those two go at it like rabbits once a vacation pops up every now and then. I made the mistake of staying the night once, it was winter as I recall, and I'd rather not be scarred any more than my life has already done for me."

By the time he had finished his blunt reminiscence of memories, Tsunade was flushing like a volcano. It seemed the man did have rather keen words for such things, "Uh, right." she coughed uncomfortably.

A thick tension settled between the two, while Gaara focused on preparing his morning beverage, Tsunade sat there with absolutely no idea what to say. Relations between her and him were scarcely political at best, hostile at worst. She'd rather prefer it if it wasn't the latter, "You want some…?" he asked.

Tsunade forced out a strained smile, "Yes." he nodded without gazing back, going back to adding some freshly ground beans in the pot. "You come here often?" she queried curiously, a small attempt at initiating a conversation.

He nodded, "Yes, they have rather nice coffee."

Tsunade sweat dropped, "Yeah, right." she muttered, a bit peeved at his unusually curt answers. He didn't seem particularly invested in the conversation, neither was she willing to push her boundaries with their already strained relationship.

Gaara pulled off the kettle and came in the living room with two costly looking black emblazoned cups, filling them both gracefully before seating himself in front of her. He settled into the couch, crossing a leg over his thigh while bringing his cup to his lips for a sip - those intimidating eyes of his boring holes in her face weren't lost to the usually chirpy Senju.

She settled back herself, mirroring his seating style but closed her eyes shut in order to avoid his subtle glare. Sipping a little of the served beverage herself, she moaned in delight, "This is good coffee!"


His cold voice made her stop, and she eyed him warily. Both settled down their steaming mugs in unison, the situation now turning serious, "I do not particularly like your stay here at my sister's house - for reasons I'd rather not say."

She said nothing, inwardly relieved for his rather blunt and frigid attitude to any human being in general, as opposed to his sister's rather lively yet undecipherable diplomatic charm. Both were poles apart in personalities, at least to her, "But..." he stopped for a moment while his eyes flickered in uncertainty, as if pondering over to search for the right words, "...since Naruto sees you as a mother of sorts, his trust is all I need. I welcome you here - not as the Hokage -but as Naruto's endeared guest."

Tsunade rested her elbow on the armrest, nestling her cheek in her palm with a tender smile. "You are rather mature in choosing words, especially given your age I must say Kazekage-dono." she complimented him which the red haired boy took with a grain of salt. It was true though, indirectly pointing to her that she was welcome in his village only due to her proximity with his friend and not as the Hokage meant that he would rather have not invited the Leaf at all, than have their large numbers run around his village while his men were kept busy keeping eyes on them.

"Did you wish to converse with me on something particular?"

"I did."

She nodded and once more pulled the cup to her lips, "What will the Leaf do, now that Naruto's existence has been revealed to the world?"

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