Chapter 12

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Sunagakure no sato

Next Morning

Our favourite blonde couple was sleeping in a deep sleep with small smiles on their faces as our hero had his arms wrapped around his hime's waist and she had her back against his firm chest and both were spooned to each other as our whiskered faced hero's eyes were hidden in the silky blonde hair of his hime. The nurse came in along with Chiyo to see the cute scene and both smiled as the nurse went to the window and opened up the curtains as sunshine hit the faces of our favourite couple and Temari's eyes fluttered open a bit groggily. Naruto buried his face in the back of her neck and hid his face in her hair sighing happily as he kissed it softly and Temari blushed as she felt his lips on her neck and his breath feeling a bit ticklish. She saw the nurse with a blush on her face and her hands on her mouth and Lady Chiyo had an amused smile on her face as her blush deepened when she realized her position. Instead of feeling embarrassed she turned around in his arms and placed her lips over his softly and her arms around his neck as Naruto's eyes opened when he felt something soft on his lips and brought her closer pressing his own lips over hers and broke off with a smile as she pecked his nose softly and giggled.

"Morning Naru-kun." She whispered softly and he smiled.

"Morning Mari-chan." He whispered back equally softly making her smile. Chiyo faked a cough to get their attention which they promptly ignored and Temari placed her forehead against his gazing intently into those cerulean pools she loved so much. Naruto gazed into those teal green eyes that mesmerized him so much and his heart warmed up at holding his hime in his arms and tightened his hold on her waist and she snuggled closer pressing herself against him and kept staring into those eyes as she put a hand on his cheek and rubbed those whiskers she loved so much softly making him close his eyes and lean into her touch and she smiled.

"How are you feeling Naru-kun?" she whispered and he kept his cheek on her hand as she kept rubbing those whiskers with her thumb a bit making him purr and she giggled.

"Much better now that you are here." He whispered and she smiled and pressed her lips on his softly and broke off with a smile.

"Alright now I'll go and get freshened up and you take care of the two ladies behind me." She said softly and he frowned a bit.

"Is it necessary?" he asked annoyed to have to let her go and she giggled and pecked him.

"Yes it is baka now let me go so you could get checked up." She said and he shook his head and hugged her tightly making her smile as she brought her lips on his ear.

"If you let me go and be a good boy then I might give you a little… gift." She whispered trailing her finger on his cheek and licked and kissed his neck softly and pecked him softly and he blushed a scarlet and let her go making her giggle as she kissed his forehead and stood up, walking to the bathroom with a sway of her hips as he followed his gaze to her and just as she was closing the door she winked and gave him a flying kiss and his blush deepened but he kept staring and she closed the door with a giggle.

"Umm Naruto-san can you sit up so I can check you up?" asked the nurse who was blushing a deep red herself seeing the interaction and saw that he didn't hear her and was still staring at the door. Chiyo saw this and her smile widened at seeing his tranced face.

"Naruto!" she asked shaking him a bit and he turned to her as she saw his glazed eyes and faint pink blush.

"Huh?" he whispered intelligently and she sighed shaking her head and the nurse giggled.

"This idiot doesn't think twice about battling two S-class ninja or fighting an army and look what effect Temari-hime has on him with just a touch. I swear she could kill him and he wouldn't even know it." She said tiredly as she slapped his head on the back harshly and he snapped out of it and glared at her.

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