Chapter 10

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Konohagakure no sato

Temari walked through the streets back towards the hotel, her mood completely ruined by that damned Uchiha and his overgrown ego. She was actually happy that Itachi had massacred the whole clan. If all of them were stuck up pricks like that bastard then she held no ill will to him, she would have done it herself if she had to live with so many bastards at once. No wonder he had cracked she mused and walked back to the hotel room. She went in and saw Gaara and Kankuro almost ready to leave and they smiled at seeing her.

"Yo Temari where were you it's almost time to go. I thought we would have had to leave without you." Said Kankuro and she frowned and answered.

"That bastard Uchiha came stalking me at the training grounds and it took me some time to tell him off." She said in disgust and the room was filled with killing intent courtesy of Gaara.

"Did he give you any troubles?" he asked and his voice was hollow showing the bloodlust and she smiled and shook her head.

"I can take care of myself Gaara don't worry and I told him off good." She said and he nodded as he calmed down and Kankuro sighed in relief.

"Let's go and get the council meeting done with." Said Gaara and Temari and Kankuro nodded moving out of the hotel and started walking down to the Hokage Tower.

Hokage Tower

Council Chambers

The council was sitting waiting for the delegation from Suna to arrive and were whispering to each other about the alliance terms and how to add some points that would benefit them greatly in the future. The elders were greatly discussing of all the possible gains from the marriage alliance with Wave and Spring become their allies again and them gaining Suna's new found sealing skills and the upgraded barrier and security seals. Tsunade was listening all of their rants greatly annoyed on the inside at their glimmering eyes and almost drooling faces of the whole council.

"Power hungry bastards. They would sell their own children if it meant a bit more power for them." She thought annoyed as she listened to Koharu and Homura rant to her with a fake smile and nodded not caring in the least what the old coots were ranting on about. She was wondering about Temari and her unusual behaviour from the previous day and knew that she whole heartedly loved her fiancée if her glances were any indication. She herself being a woman knew when a girl would give those glances and blushes meant that she loved him dearly and if what she knew and deducted was right then it was that new prodigy and their currently temporary Kazekage. But the thing that kept bugging her from yesterday was the design of that damn ring. She was definitely sure that it was platinum ring in the shape of a nine tailed fox with that blood red diamond haunting her dreams last night. But why would she wear such a strangely designed ring unless it meant something to her or her fiancée. The only person that could associate greatly with the King of the demons was…

"Can it be? Is he alive and well in Suna? I hope he is, please Kami let him be happy if he is there I only wish he could be alive and live happily there. It's the least I could do to make up for my powerlessness all those years ago." She thought sadly with a little bit of hope that her little blonde gaki could be alive. She was broken out of her thoughts as the doors to the chambers opened and in walked the Suna delegation. The whole room went silent as they had huge smiles plastered on their faces that made Temari feel disgusted as many of them were staring at her as if she was a piece of meat that they could sell for a big profit. Temari and Gaara took their seats in front of the council as she crossed one leg over the other crossing her fingers and masking a blank look on her face. Koharu seeing the silence decided to start the talks from the previous day.

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